Infertility: Experts Highlight Reasons For High Rate

By Luqmon Balogun, Lagos 


Gynaecologists and other medical experts have revealed the reasons behind the increasing number of infertility among many Nigerians. At the 2024 Fertility Conference held in Lagos and organized by the Parah Family Foundation (PFF) with the theme  “Infertility – Need for Knowledge and Early Intervention,” experts highlighted the need to know and be abreast of information about the issue.

READ ALSO:Gynaecologist emphasizes timely infertility treatment for couples

In her welcome address, conference convener, Princess Dayo Odukoya emphasized the need for consistent awareness and to encourage couples experiencing infertility to seek solutions early in their marriages.

Odukoya who described the infertility rates and causes as alarming, mentioned that the rate requires a continued education that would enable couples undergoing the challenges to speak out on time and seek lasting solution.

“The foundation’s primary objective is to share vital information, enlighten and provide the relevant support system for families undergoing fertility challenges in order to eradicate ignorance, the misguided myths and social stigma associated with delayed fertility in our society. 

“The choice of the theme for this year conference; Infertility- Needs for Knowledge and early intervention; is to further reiterate the importance of continued awareness, and knowledge about the challenges of infertility and more importantly, action to be taken as early as possible if not, it may cause further delays especially in late marriage and aged women. 

“The journey to Parenthood is lonely and must not be threaded alone. There is need for a support system on this journey and that is where Parah Family comes in.” she said.

Contributing factors

A specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology from the University of Port Harcourt, and the lead speaker at the conference, Prof. Preye Fiebai said that ignorance and lack of awareness are some of the major factors contributing to the rise in infertility cases, stressing that many Nigerian men were unaware that the ability to ejaculate did not equate to being fertile.

According to Prof. Fiebai, research indicates that 20-45% of women in Nigeria are infertile, but often, the cause of infertility in marriages is not the women.

He said “The research breakdown shows that 40% of infertility cases are due to male factors, 40% to female factors, 15% to combined male and female factors, and 5% are unexplained.”

He however listed causes of infertility in men, which included erectile dysfunction, impotence, decreased libido, psychogenic issues, endocrinopathies, age, and overweight, among others. For women, he pointed to cervical factors, uterine factors, diseases of the fallopian tubes, and problems with ovulation.

Other factors

A Professor of Surgery from the University of Lagos, Prof. Kehinde Habeeb Tijani added that factors such as age, weight, stress, excessive alcohol consumption, exposure to radiation, and constant exposure of the testicles to high temperatures as contributors to infertility.

Other resource persons at the conference offered various remedies to overcome infertility. They also advised women over the age of 54 to avoid aspiring for pregnancy due to the associated risks.

At the conclusion of the conference, the PFF offered two free IVF treatments and one free fertility investigation to three participating couples.


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