IOM, Nigeria sign MoU on empowerment of women migrants

Mnena Iyorkegh, Abuja

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The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and Nigeria’s Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development has signed a memorandum of understanding to assist and empower vulnerable women migrants across the country.

The MoU which was signed in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital strengthens the existing relationship between the two organisation and finalize the assessment of the shelter facility under the ministry.

Speaking at the signing, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Chief of Mission in Nigeria, Frantz Celestin said that women and children face violence and marginalization in conflict, which IOM is out to change through its programmes.

“In conflict, women and children often face the brunt of the violence and marginalization. In peace, they are often left out of the process.

 They are rarely at the table when warring parties’ discuss the peace terms even though they are the most affected. I usually tell my colleagues to fight to be at the table because if you are not at the table, you are on the menu.

 IOM’s programming seeks to change that notion. In our voluntary return and reintegration and disengagement, disassociation reintegration and reconciliation programme, we seek to give voice to women and children. We must remove this victimhood veil from them. We know they can be the masters of their own destiny. This is why this MoU is so important, it codifies what we have long known to be true IOM and the Ministry of Women Affairs are natural partners.”

Mr Celestin said that out of the 20,000 Nigerian migrants IOM returned from Libya, women constituted 42 percent. He, therefore, restated IOM commitment to ensure that migration is humanely managed for the benefit of all.

 “Today is a great day, a day that brought together IOM and the Minister of Women Affairs to codify this relationship to put people first. I know together, bringing our respective strength that we can do a lot. This MoU will link IOM’s work with the Ministry’s strategic Plan an operational Framework, especially strategic result area2 and 3. IOM is looking forward to having specific focal points from the Ministry to participate in our proposed quarterly coordination meetings.

The Nigerian Minister of Women Affairs and Social Development Pauline Tallen said the MoU was coming at the right time in view of gender-based challenges affecting women.

“The Nigerian Minister of Women Affairs and social development has been in the forefront of addressing migrant issues, but the need for a coordinated intervention and approach in addressing the plight of these vulnerable  migrants under the purview of the ministry explains why this memorandum of understanding (MoU) important and timely.

In recognizing the need to work with development  partners in addressing the rehabilitation and reintegration challenges related to women and children, under the current mandate of the federal ministry of  women  Affairs, we will focus on interventions around Gender-Based violence, child Right Act(2003) and violence Against persons Prohibition (VAPP) Act 2015, migrant  child Protection, Disarmament, Demobilization Reintegration (DDRR), National  Action Plan, Best Interest Assessment and Determination for high risk Cases.

The Minister added that “I am delighted that the signing of the MoU is coming at the appropriate time , as we work towards the development of the third national Action Plan as required for the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security. This will therefore go a long way to refocus project and programs that will help the country and impact positively to alleviate the situation of our target beneficiaries, which includes women and children. I am therefore convinced that the implementation of the provisions of the MoU and the work plan will not only be all inclusive, but will also impact positively on the overall wellbeing of the target group. This will also help us in our yearly reports both nationally and globally.

As an intergovernmental organization, IOM acts with its partners in the

international community to assist in meeting the operational challenges of migration; advance understanding of migration issues; encourage social and economic development through migration, and uphold the human dignity and well-being of migrants.


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