Islamic Group urges Leaders to be faithful

Timothy Choji, Abuja


A prominent Islamic religious group in Nigeria, Jam’iyattu Ansariddeen, also known as Tijjaniyya Movement, has tasked leaders at all levels to abide by their oath office, as they will one day give account of their stewardship to God.

The National Secretary of the group, Sayyadi Al-Qasim gave the advice in Abuja on Tuesday, when the leadership of the group paid a courtesy visit to President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

Al-Qasim enjoined followers of both Islam and Christianity to always support and pray for all categories of leaders.

Furthermore, he urged Nigerians to believe in the country and its leaders as there are indicators of progress in Nigeria under President Bola Tinubu.  

He said: “What we are saying is naturally, as good Muslims and other faiths like Christians, we should be very committed and positive to our leaders and also have believe in this country Nigeria. We have nowhere else but this country so we must believe in the country.

“We must also believe in the leadership and that doesn’t mean that we cannot come out of challenges or issues we are facing. We must be able to have the mind set to advice the government where the need arises.

“We must also pray at all time for the leaders of the country because when the leadership is good, we shall all enjoy and when there are challenges, it will affect all of us. So, it is always good to feel positive and we call on leaders at all levels to have the fear of God because leadership is a trust and God will certainly ask us about that because we must certainly return to him someday no matter how long we live on earth.”

The Secretary explained that they were in the State House on a solidarity visit to President Tinubu.

He said the Tijjaniyya group was happy with the leadership steps the President has so far taken in the interest of the nation.





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