Israel captures last two escaped Palestinian militants

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Israel captured the last of the six Palestinian inmates who escaped a maximum-security prison nearly two weeks ago on Sunday.

The Israeli Army said in a statement that it had captured Munadil Nafayat and Eham Kamamji in Jenin, their hometown in the occupied West Bank, in an early-morning operation conducted jointly with a police special forces unit and the Israeli domestic intelligence agency.

Mr. Nafayat and Mr. Kamamji were arrested unarmed at a safe house after coming out with their hands in the air

The Israeli prime minister, Naftali Bennett, hailed the security forces for an impressive, sophisticated and rapid operation, “What went wrong can be repaired,” he said.

Of the six prisoners who broke out of Gilboa prison in northern Israel on Sept. 6, Mr. Nafayat and Mr. Kamamji were the only ones who had managed to reach the West Bank. The other four were caught in northern Israel.

The six escaped their shared cell after removing part of the floor of their shower cubicle and crawling for nearly 32 yards underneath the prison, partly through a pre-existing cavity that extended from beneath the cell toward the prison perimeter.

The escape, Israel’s biggest jailbreak in more than 20 years, set off an uproar.

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