Ramadan Kareem

Ivorian former minister calls for age limit for presidency

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Two of the three ‘elephants’ of Ivorian politics are in their 80s while one is in his 70s, something that Jean-Louis Billon Former Ivory Coast trade minister is now campaigning against.

Billion called for the return of the age limit of 75 years for presidential candidates during his appearance on a radio programme.

He is targeting the dinosaurs of Ivorian politics, Alassane Ouattara, Laurent Gbagbo but also the president of his own party Henri Konan Bédié, although none of the three men has officially applied for the election so far.

The former trade minister’s position resonates with the recent decision of the PDCI’s political bureau to designate Bédié, the 88-year-old former president as the sole candidate to lead the party.

This decision created a stir internally, with some seeing it as a future designation of Henri Konan Bédié as a presidential candidate.

On Saturday, Billion also announced his intention to be a candidate in Ivory Coast’s presidential election in 2025.

Although the election is two years away, permutations are already been made as to whom will succeed Alassane Ouatarra.


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