Ramadan Kareem

Lawmaker supports creation of State Police

Gloria Essien, Abuja


The Member Representing Abak/Etim Ekpo/Ika Federal Constituency in Akwa-Ibom state, in Nigerian House of Representatives, Clement Jimbo has thrown his entire weight behind the creation of state police in Nigeria.

In an interview with Voice of Nigeria, the lawmaker said that Nigeria was overdue for state policing following the current insecurity situation in the country.

He said that he wholeheartedly supports the bill seeking to amend the 1999 Constitution to establish state police, sponsored by the Deputy Speaker Hon Benjamin Kalu said thirteen other parliamentarians.

“On state Police, concerns of the governors. Of course state policing is a burning issue in Nigeria right now and I want to lend my voice to say yes we need it now because Nigeria has come a long way to have state police. The entire Nigeria police force system started in 1930 were we had northern police force and the South then in 1960/we amalgamated and it became the Nigeria police force today from 1960 to date that is about 64 years, things have changed the population of Nigerians have increased there is need for us to diversify our police force and think deep to cather for those at the state level. This issue whether the state governors will be able to fund and the whole responsibilities that comes with the establishment of state policing, in 20 states we have different formation of security outfit which is funded by state government so how are they doing it. What we are doing in 10th assembly by giving credence to state policing is simply to put a legal frame work to what is already in existence so Nigerians should not be afraid of anything whether they will be able to fund it besides that every month state governors have what we call security votes , that is were the money will be channeled to appropriately . If you look at the aim of police force it says the principle of enforcement and lead security outfit in Nigeria so every other one is secondary , you must fortify the principal in order to checkmate those under it”. The Lawmaker said.

He commended the deliberation on the merit of the bill to amend the constitution to give effect to state police in Nigeria by delisting the Nigeria police force  from the exclusive list to the concurrent list adding that state police will equally help to check mate a whole lot of happenings in Nigerian states.

“It will help our farmers go back to farm and that will make production and food available for Nigerians to buy”. He said.

Also speaking on the hunger situation in the country, Jimbo pointed out that there are a whole lot being done in the 10th assembly to cushion the effect of the subsidy removal done by the current administration.

“We are simply sending assurance to Nigerians that indeed 10th Assembly is with you, we know what you a are feeling we can feel it to and we are equally here to make sure what is not right is made right that is why we are here. What am I doing as a person to cushion effect of hunger in the land : I am elected as a member of the House,  what I do is a reflection of what the 10th Assembly does too. What we are doing as a House,  when the government removed fuel subsidy and a supplementary budget was submitted late last year which we passed and part of what was Embedded in the budget was palliative which currently federal ministry of Agriculture is working seriously to make sure many of the house members have gotten this palliative to their constituents and reimburse back. About two week ago we did that in my constituency,  we sheared about 4,500 bags of rice which we sheared in all the local government area to equally help . Besides that talking about personal interventions, yes there are several call we receive from our constituents everyday we need to respond even though your name is pharaoh you have to respond . These are critical situation,  moment that you cannot but intervene so many of us in the 10th assembly are doing all we can to help the executive also are equally doing their very best,  I recall some days back,  the presidency gave a directive that about 42,000 metric tones if grains should be released from the reserve and sheared to Nigerians that is something that they are doing and of course we should not only focus on the federal government.  We also have 36 governors . I recall late last year,  the federal government released about 5 billion naira to all the 36 state governors,  the media should also ask the governors what they did with that money”. He queried.

He stressed that ” All hands must be on deck. Every single effort of the federal government and the legislators should be presented by the media in such a way that the people will accept it. Nigeria is not alone in this trying time. All over the world there is recession. Even in developed countries right now. It is something everybody should brace up to see the light at the end if the tunnel. Are we doing things right to nip the current situation in the bud?  I will say yes!” 

On the return to Parliamentary system of government being proposed by sixty members, Jimbo said that he also supports the move as it will cut down on government expenditure.

“I am a part if the 10th assembly whatever decision taken by the house is binding on me I only listen to the bill as of when it was read am not part of the 60 but that is not to say am not in support of the bill because if you look at the merit of the bill today it seeks to reduce the cost of governance and am totally in support of it”. He said.

The lawmaker also added that he would continue to push for better living conditions for Nigerian retirees through legislative processes.



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