Managing irrigation schemes for productivity

Hauwa Mustapha

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Competition for scarce water resources is evident in the North, climate change is expected to worsen the situation.
Experts have met in Sokoto to discuss how to increase food production through irrigated agriculture, Adamu Suleiman of Sokoto Bureau, reports.

Worried by the security challenges of bandits’ attacks that have threatened farming communities in the Northwest, especially Zamfara, Kebbi and Sokoto states, stakeholders have held a consultative session to strategies an enhanced approach to better productivity.

Over time, the axis has been under threat of banditry, forcing farming communities to vacate their lands for the fear of being killed or kidnapped.

However, at the session tagged “Special Stakeholders Consultative Meeting” held in Sokoto, experts canvassed a replication of the Sokoto Rima River Basin Development Authority (SRRBDA) irrigation project initiative of

Transforming Irrigation Management in Nigeria (TRIMING).
The initiative is a tripartite approach muted in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Water Resources and the World Bank.

It is to rehabilitate the upstream; that is, the water reservoir structures, and the downstream, which consist of irrigation and other structures like access roads.

In addition, it is intended to strengthen the capacity of Water Users Association (WUAs).

It is channelled on the three pioneer River Basins Authority comprising the Hadejia, Jama’are River Basin

Development Authority(HJRBDA), Sokoto Rima River Basin Development Authority(SRRBDA) and Upper Benue River Basin Development Authority (UBRBDA).

The line of action has focused on SRRBDA to domesticate the project being executed in two schemes at the

Bakolori irrigation scheme in Talatar Mafara of Zamfara State and the River Little valley in Goronyo, Sokoto State.

The drive on the project has started for the past six years, which provides opportunities for the training of water users on capacity building on how to operate and ensure maintenance of irrigation schemes for modern day agricultural best practices.

However, participants who attended the meeting, were drawn from the Federal Government and state ministries of agriculture, related organisations, farmers’ association to harmonise ideas for workable guidelines to make smooth the process of handing over.

The basic responsibilities of operation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage systems as well financial and administrative accountability to the farming communities.

The Minister of Water Resources, Suleiman Adamu, said the meeting was organised to acquaint stakeholders with the modalities of the new regime of irrigation service fee collection and administration.

The Nation

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