Ramadan Kareem

Military Suggests National Policy for Legal Framework

By Martha Obi, Abuja



The Deputy Director of Psychological Operations, Brigadier General Usman Diri said there is a need to develop a National Policy with relevant legal frameworks to guide and support the activities of Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) and Strategic Communication (STRATCOMM).


The Deputy Director disclosed this while presenting the recommendations at the closing of a maiden National Security Course on Psychological Operations and Strategic Communication I (NSCPOSC-1) organised by the Directorate of the Psychological Operations, Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital.


The theme: “Winning Hearts and Minds for National Cohesion and Development,” the programme attracted participants from the Armed Forces of Nigeria, Intelligence communities, Security Services, government officials, traditional institutions, and the media.


General Usman said that “some of the issues raised were the ungoverned spaces provide fertile grounds for the activities of non-state actors including bandits and terrorists amongst others issues noted which were as follows”.



The following issues were raised and observed during the programme:



Lack of means of livelihood makes some communities vulnerable to radicalisation by non-state actors


Poor governance and leadership crimes and make the re-integration of ex-combatants into society very challenging

PSYOPS and STRATCOMM have not been adequately utilised as tools for achieving security objectives due to lack of funding and policy guideline


Lack of regulatory policy on Social Media contributes to wide widespread of Fake News and Hate Speech threatening national security

Relevant agencies are not adequately leveraging Tech and AI tools to combat insecurity and trace sources of crimes


Inter-agency rivalry, especially among security services undermines efforts at addressing emergency challenges


Nigeria’s diversity has been one of the weaknesses undermining the progress and development of the country


There is inadequate synergy between civilian populations and military


The National Orientation Agency (NOA) is ill-equipped and incapable of discharging its duties properly due to a lack of adequate funding




After lectures, interactive sessions and syndicate groups’ presentations, the participants made the following recommendations:


The workshop should be sustained boosting the skills of relevant target participants with the latest thinking and techniques of PSYOPS and STRACOMM at addressing societal challenges


There is an urgent need to establish a Joint Coordinating Centre with a mandate to regulate PSYOPS activities in Nigeria


The Office of the National Security Adviser (ONSA) should consider the establishment of an inter-agency committee on PSYOPS and STRATCOMM


That the media and traditional institutions should play major roles in shaping public attitudes and through their respective channels of communication


That inter-agency collaboration should be sustained especially among security services for coordinated activities for national safety and security


Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Community-based Organisations (CBOs) and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) should be engaged in addressing ethnic and religious intolerance through grassroots initiatives


8Security agencies should explore the potential of new technological tools including Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools and Data Analytics to enhance the security and effectiveness of PSYOPS and STRATCOMM


There is a need for a National Policy backed by legal frameworks to regulate the activities of digital media and social media to guard against fake news and hate speeches


The National Orientation Agency (NOA) should be adequately funded to discharge its statutory responsibilities of promoting national unity, harmony and national cohesion


Earlier, the Minister of Communications, Innovations and Digital Economy, Dr Bosun Tajani highlighted the impact of the technological revolution on Psychological warfare.

He said that “the current Industrial revolution calls for changing the former way of doing things with the current Information technologies considering the processing power, storage capacity, data collection and Customer interaction amongst others”.


Souvenirs and Certificates were given to the participants


Dominica Nwabufo




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