Information Minister Seeks Collaboration To Restore Public Trust

By Mnena Iyorkegh, Abuja 



The Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mohammed Idris, has called on fellows of the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR), to work in partnership with the Ministry of Information and National Orientation to restore trust in public discourse to enhance national development.

He made the call at the NIPR Diamond Anniversary Induction held in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital. 

The Minister, represented by the Director General of Voice of Nigeria, Mallam Jibril Baba-Ndace, urged the new inductees to promote the right narratives, emphasizing that communication is key to nation-building. 

“We have a responsibility as citizens, and for those of you who are inducted today, you have a dual role of not just representing your organizations but also actively speaking positively about your country. Do not be part of those who de-market the country. 

“Nigeria is a beautiful country. There are challenges, as the president has acknowledged, but something is being done. No family is perfect, no country is perfect, and therefore you shouldn’t be the drivers of negative narratives about our country.” 

Read Also: Information Minister Seeks Collaborative Trust Among Nigerians

Similarly, the President of the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR), Dr. Ike Neliaku, noted that the institute is re-designing the concept of nationhood through the restoration of the country’s image.

He called for collaborative efforts towards national unity and the creation of a new narrative for Nigeria. 

“We have always emphasized that reputation is a core asset of any nation. Reputation is a task that the institute has undertaken, which is why we have established the Nigerian Reputation Management Group. We are doing this because we are beginning to re-design the concept of nationhood. No matter how you want to promote, market, or rebuild the reputation of your country, internal publicity and the domestic image of the country are very important. That is why we believe in putting everything together with the government, civil societies, and citizens to create a new narrative. The induction we have today is a clear indication of that.” 

The Chairman of the House Committee on Media and Public Affairs, Mr. Rotimi Akindele, said the 10th National Assembly prioritizes engagement with critical stakeholders to rewrite the perceived negative image of the country. 

“The House of Representatives is leading by example by ensuring that members involved in roles related to public relations are members of the institute. We have invested in the idea of taking legislative actions to ensure compliance, especially with the state of fake news, misinformation, and disinformation that is prevalent. It is important that we have professional bodies like the NIPR strengthened to carry out that enforcement role,” he said. 

While congratulating the new inductees, the Director General of the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN), Dr. Mohammed Bulama, pledged the corporation’s commitment to supporting the NIPR in leading the campaign for a better reputation for the country. 

Some of the new inductees, including Mercy Gana, Bitrus Kozah, and Abdul Isa, pledged their commitment to changing the narrative about Nigeria using their various media outlets.

The Diamond Jubilee special induction saw over 600 new fellows inducted into the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR). 

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