Minister urge stakeholders to work towards developing African Resources 


By Zeniat Abubakar Abuja


Stakeholders in Africa must ensure that wealth generated from the continent natural resources is invested in the people, empower marginalized communities and create opportunities for the youth.

Nigeria’s Minister of State for Environment Dr Iziaq Salako, stated this at the Ministerial roundtable on the development of Africa’s natural resources, held in Abuja the nation’s capital.

He says Africa stakholders must be committed to practices that promote environmental sustainability, by ensuring that Africa’s natural wealth serves as a blessing for present and future generations.

“Africa and my country, Nigeria is endowed with an abundance of natural resources, ranging from minerals and to water bodies and fertile lands. These resources hold the potential to transform our economies, uplift our communities, and set us on a path towards sustainable development.”

“However, realizing this potential requires a concerted effort, innovative strategies, and unwavering commitment from all sectors of society.” he said.

Dr Salako noted that the discussions must focus on how stakholders can responsibly manage and utilize these resources to the benefit of all.

“let me loudly submit that our biodiversity, our minerals and other natural resources in Africa are worth quintrillion of dollars. Our continent is not poor, we only need to be ingenious, collaboratively work together and promote our comparative advantages. “ he stressed.

He further stressed that the discussion would serves as opportunity to forge meaningful partnerships, share knowledge, and chart a course that will lead to the sustainable and inclusive development of Africa’s natural resources.

The Minister also urged governments, private sector, civil society, and international partners to work hand in hand to develop policies and frameworks that foster sustainable resource management.

According to him “stakholders must Develop detailed action plans with specific milestones and timelines to track progress. Establish robust monitoring and evaluation frameworks to ensure commitments are met. This includes regular reporting and independent audits. Raise awareness about the benefits of moving from talk to action to garner public support and drive momentum.”

The roundtable discussions was to chat a unified common vision to harness Africa’s resource for sustainable development and prosperity of the continent.

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