NACETEM Promotes Local Boat-Building Culture in Nigeria


The National Centre for Technology Management (NACETEM) is fostering a culture in which Nigerians capable of building boats can do so locally.

Dr. Olushola Odusanya, Director General of NACETEM, disclosed this in an interview on Tuesday in Abuja.

“To build a boat, you need welders, foundry experts, fiberglass reinforcement experts for fiberglass boats, and perhaps aluminium smelters among others,” he explained.

He mentioned that there are hundreds of welding skills with global certifications, and NACETEM is in discussions with the International Institute of Welding to issue certificates in various categories. Certified welders would be added to a database and notified of job openings.

Odusanya revealed that the centre chose marine and blue economy initiatives in their first year to address income generation, food security, and new business opportunities.

He noted that Nigeria has yet to fully map its marine resources, creating a significant gap that NACETEM aims to fill with technology.

Also Read: NACETEM considers manufacturing boats out of fiberglass

“We keep emphasizing fiberglass boat building, foundry practices, welding, and connecting it to ICT and socio-economics, recognizing that our waters are under-fished,” he said.

Odusanya highlighted Nigeria’s abundant pond resources and shrimp, stressing the importance of building shrimpers and fish trawlers.

He added that skippers, as well as first and second engineers and marine engineers who are currently trained overseas, need to be trained locally to save foreign exchange. Building the capacity of such professionals will allow them to be deployed to areas where Nigeria’s value lies.

Odusanya emphasized the significant role technology can play in Nigeria’s development, particularly in boat building, and pointed out that ICT is a quick way to start.

He also provided updates on NACETEM’s plans and strategies for achieving their goals and objectives.

NAN/Chidimma Gold

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