NAHCON refutes fake news of poor feeding of pilgrims

By Fatima Hassan, Makkah


The National Hajj Commission of Nigeria has urged the general public to ignore the fake news being circulated by Sahara Reporter pertaining the Federal Capital Territory pilgrims’ breakfast at Nama Al- Asriya Hotel, in Makkah.

In a statement, NAHCON Assistant Director of Public Affairs, Hajiya Fatima Usara  said the story is not only false but also appears to be malicious.

Hajiya Usara said that the Commission’s attention was drawn to the fake news on the Facebook page of one Babagana Digima, purportedly on the kind of breakfast being served to the Nigerian pilgrims after paying N8m as Hajj fare.

She said “after addressing the shared story from its root, we believe ethical journalism would not permit a sensible practitioner to lift a story solely from a Facebook source. What is more unfortunate is that the Facebook reporter is in Nigeria, not in Saudi Arabia.

“Upon citing the story early this morning, NAHCON immediately drew the attention of the originator of the story privately and publicly to the inaccuracy of his claims to allow him to correct the wrong impression assuming he posted it innocently, unfortunately, he did not. Still several testimonies were posted on his page by pilgrims on ground in Makkah disclaiming the allegation with pictorial evidences, while NAHCON staff on the platform also provided a clear description of the actual meal that was served, proving that the picture was doctored and that it was a fake news conclusively. Unfortunately, Sahara Reporters ignored the responses and the free facts supplied on the page in preference for the sensational side.”

Hajiya Usara confirmed that the medium amplified a lie it picked on Facebook with the doctored picture of the 28th May breakfast served to pilgrims of FCT in their hotel in Makkah.

Read Also: Saudi Arabia warns against use of illegal visas for Hajj

On the issue of the Basic Travel Allowance  (BTA)), NAHCON assured the Nigerian pilgrims that itna is working tirelessly to ensure that all pilgrims eventually receive their due payments.

“As at 24th April 2024 when NAHCON paid BTA differential for the pilgrims, the Dollar exchange rate was N1,252 to a Dollar thereby N626,000 was paid to be exchanged at value of $500 (Five hundred Dollars). This is the figure that the Hajj stakeholders had agreed upon and which NAHCON declared and still stands by. However, information reaching the Commission currently indicates that the banks are issuing BTA at the current market rate of Naira to the Dollar causing a shortfall to the original value whereas pilgrims are supposed to be paid at the exchange rate obtainable on 24th April.”

Hajiya Usara called on the pilgrims to remain calm as the commission would not allow their interest to be jeopardized in any way.

“The Commission has already taken up the matter and hopes to be resolved soon,” she assured.


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