Netflix’s ‘Kaleidoscope’ Season 1 -movie review

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Netflix released another thriller-heist movie titled ‘Kaleidoscope’.
The movie is about a crime anthology centered around a group of master thieves attempting to break into a vault for the largest payday in heist history treated each viewer to a different immersive viewing experience.

The show tells the story of a criminal team of thieves who attempt to break into a vault holding billions of dollars in bearer bonds. Viewers are all given a different order to watch the episodes in, encouraging people to come at the series from a different perspective from their streaming peers. The show always ends with the point of this whole shebang: the heist itself.
Users received a personalized episode order of seven color-coded installments leading up to the epic “White: The Heist” finale.

After the devastating tropical storm that wrecked havoc on the East Coast of the United States a decade ago, about $70 billion in bonds in a vault deep underground were ruined by the fluids that inundated New York City. This wasn’t just water we’re talking about. There was mud, gasoline, and even other waste that desecrated the currency housed inside of this massive security safe.
So how does this tie back to the events in the show? Well, the banks were very secretive about the fate of the money in this vault back in 2012. Big names such as JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America supposedly had an otherworldly amount of their funds inside of this container, yet they were suspiciously hush about the aftermath of their losses.
According to the New York Post, only Goldman Sachs said what their losses were: a minuscule $10,000 or less. Nobody else would even comment about what happened that would lead to a storm affecting sums of cash very far underground so vulnerable to destruction. This left the story ripe for speculation. Did the money actually get ruined by the effects of the hurricane, or was there other foul play involved in some manner?
Kaleidoscope is the thrilling theoretical answer to some of these questions. What if the hurricane was a prime opportunity for some super-talented thieves to take this money that is probably menial in the grand scheme of the American economy? There is still negligible evidence to this day about the whereabouts of the cash. These banks and the big wigs on Wall Street have seen their lives go on business as usual, so maybe the whole thing made for a juicy headline, but wasn’t actually as important as it originally was made out to be in the media.






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