Ramadan Kareem

NGO trains over 37,000 persons on productivity health challenges in Gombe

Abdullahi Idris Gombe.

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Over 37,000 persons were trained on Productivity health and other marriage challenges in rural areas by NGO in Gombe State.

Speaking with Voice of Nigeria, on the success of the Project, in Cham Balanga Local Government of Gombe State, Mr Ibrahim Istifanus, a facilitator also programme Manager Reach Project at Kishimi Foundation, said that the Project achieved more than 80% of it targets, in Gombe State in 36 month of its time frame.

The programme is to protect children and provide lasting solution to their challenges, in the areas of health and education also to improve their sexual and productive health.

The sensitization programme was carried out by non governmental organization, reaching and empowering adolescents to make informed Choices for their Health.

According to a document made available to Press, shows that before the introduction of the project in Gombe State, the level of Health facilities delivering gender-responsive, adolescent-friendly was not encouraging but now is 77%, in 20 hospitals in the sate.

Health workers were trained under this programme to deliver gender based responsive, adolescent-friendly. SRH services, which was 31% but because of the awareness and trainings carried out by REACH Project Nigeria, now is 84%.

Also at the beginning of this project, in Gombe State, Married adolescent girls who were married at the age of 15 was 54% but now it has dropped by 41%.

Muhammed J. Buba, a 15-year-old boy shares his experience with Voice of Nigeria on the benefits he derived from this Programme, “I have gained many things since the commencement of this Programme, early marriages were rampant now it has reduced.

“If we go back home we use to tell our people the problems of early marriage and it reducing gradually we really appreciate this Programme.”

Among the participants there is also a 19-year-old lady she said, “If I am married early I won’t have enough experience to handle family issues and there are health problems related to early marriage which will affect my health.

A mother and Secretary Cham chiefdom, Mrs. Esther O. Philip, called on the Global Affairs Canada to extend the project beyond it proposed time frame because of its importance to people in several communities.






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