NiDCOM Partners with USAID on Diaspora Engagement

By Margaret Ebeshi


The Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM) has secured strategic cooperation and collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development USAID.

The collaboration is to foster diaspora engagements, particularly on youth empowerment.

It is also to deepen the socio-economic development as USAID will partner with NiDCOM on this year’s National Diaspora Day Celebrations.

This agreement was reached when the USAID delegation led by the Country Director, Melissa Jones paid a visit to the NiDCOM office in Abuja, Nigeria.

The Chairman/CEO, of Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM), Dr. Abike Dabiri-Erewa, said that the collaboration is timely and appropriate as its content aligns with the Renewed Hope Agenda of President Bola Tinubu’s administration, which intentionally about sector reforms and youth empowerment.

Dr. Dabiri-Erewa explained that the Commission serves as a vantage linkage encouraging the Nigerian Diaspora to invest homewards.

The NiDCOM Chairman emphasised that although the Federal Government, through the Commission, has set up projects to effectively engage with its Diaspora, there is still a critical need to establish infrastructures and enabling environment for investments by Nigerians in Diaspora.

Dr. Dabiri-Erewa gave assurances that the partnership between NIDCOM and USAID is pivotal to Diaspora engagement and investment.

“The Nigerian Diaspora is an important asset to our nation. Through this partnership with USAID Nigeria, we will be able to celebrate their achievements and present opportunities to invest back home”,
 she said.

Also, the Country Director, of USAID, Melissa Jones stated that the US Agency is passionate about funding and empowering of local partners and NGOs to develop talents, and skills for economic progress in Nigeria.

She further proposed a planned and structured relationship between NiDCOM and USAID for future projects, while also discussing opportunities that will be beneficial to the public, and private sectors in Nigeria.

Ms. Jones noted that the Diaspora is needed for development in Nigeria.

According to her, most qualified and competent professionals in the US, are Nigerians and she believes it will be an opportunity for Nigeria to relate strategically with its citizens abroad.

The USAID Country Director equally expressed her willingness to support the Commission through partnership at its Diaspora Day and other key events by engaging with the US President’s Advisory Council to participate actively at the 2024 National Diaspora Day Celebrations.


Dominica Nwabufo

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