Niger State: NASU calls for inclusion in Teachers’ retirement age

Abdul Mohammed Isa, Niger State

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Members of the Non-Academic Staff Union of Educational and Associated Institutions (NASU) Niger state chapter in North Central Nigeria has appealed to the Government to include non-academic staff in the new Teachers’ retirement age of 65 years and length of service of 40 years.

NASU members who protested in Minna, the Niger state capital on Monday,  said teachers are not the only workers in the basic and foundation sub-sector of education, hence, the need for consideration of NASU members in the policy.

NASU Members who demonstrated peacefully, to the Niger State House of Assembly, carried placards with various inscriptions such as ” Non-teaching staff are vital components that graduate students”.

“What is good for the teachers is also good for the non-teaching staff’

“Is it a crime to be a non-teaching staff discriminatory tendencies will destroy the school system among others.

The NASU-NSUBEB, Chairman in Niger State, Comrade Muhammed Gimba, said that both academic and non-academic staff have a significant role to play in the development of institutions.

“Even though they conceded that teaching is central to schools, it is also obvious that a positive congenial, safe and healthy working environment conducive for teaching and learning is also important which teachers alone cannot provide and guarantee,added Gimba

Comrade Muhammed Gimba explained that the protest was to draw the attention of the Government to harmonize the retirement age and other incentives for teachers in Nigeria.

“We believe that the president policy statement which was made in favour of teachers and the Federal Executive Council approval are genuine acts of an employer aimed at motivating an employee towards increased productivity with a view to providing quality education to our children as envisaged in the constitution.

A bill to increase the retirement age of teachers across the country was recently approved by the Federal Executive Council (FEC).

The retirement age of teachers according to the bill is from 60 to 65 years and also increase the possible years of service from 35 to 40 years.

The bill has been already sent to the National Assembly for the legislative process before it can become law.

A member of the Niger State House of Assembly, Husseni Yabagi, who briefed the protesters commended their orderliness, however, promised that the house would look into their issues and address same as and when due.



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