Nigeria Among Countries in Dire Need of External Food Assistance- FAO

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The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has listed Nigeria as one of the 33 African countries in crisis, which are in dire need of external food assistance.

The apex global food organisation projected conditions to worsen significantly in the West African region where Nigeria is located, due to conflicts, high food prices and reduced harvests.

According to a report, Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS), released by FAO, the 33 hotspot countries in crisis, which require external assistance for food, lack the resources to deal with reported critical problems of food insecurity.

The report noted that while the situation was alarming in East Africa, humanitarian needs were projected to also increase in Southern Africa in late 2022 due to the impact of adverse weather.

Also, the new report disclosed that adverse weather conditions in North Africa and Southern Africa have curtailed 2022 cereal production prospects, noting that shortfalls in cereal production were registered in many countries in East Africa and West Africa, where the 2021 crops were recently harvested, due to poor rains and conflicts.

Specifically, the report noted that the conflict in northern Nigeria and localised shortfalls in cereal production were major contributors to the food crisis in Nigeria.

“According to the latest CH analysis, about 12.9 million people were estimated to need humanitarian food assistance between October and December 2021 owing to the conflict in northern states, localised shortfalls in staple food production, high food prices and reduced incomes.”

As of October 2021, over 3.2 million people were estimated to be internally displaced in northern states.

“Between June and August 2022, the number of food insecure is projected to increase to 18 million people, of which 620,000, are projected to face CH Phase 4 (Emergency) and 13 550 CH Phase 5 (Catastrophe),” the report stated.






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