Nigeria Begins Review of Interconnection Regulatory Instruments

Na'ankwat Dariem


The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has begun the review of three regulatory instruments aimed at shaping the future of the telecommunications sector.

The Executive Vice Chairman of the NCC, Dr. Aminu Maida, stated that the review is critical to the growth of the telecom industry.

He spoke at the opening of two days public inquiries on three subsidiary regulations of the commission in Abuja, Nigeria.

Dr. Maida restated NCC’s commitment to transparency, inclusivity, and promoting an efficient, accessible, and competitive telecom industry.

The three regulatory instruments under review are: –

– Telecommunications Networks Interconnect Regulations.

– Guidelines on Procedure for Granting Approval to Disconnect Telecommunications Operators.

– Guidelines for Dispute Resolution.

He said that these instruments play a vital role in shaping the communications landscape and addressing emerging challenges, trends, and opportunities.

“This regulatory instrument has played a vital role in driving our telecommunications landscape and it is essential that we revisit and revise them to address emerging challenges, trends, and opportunities in the industry.

“The instrument being considered in the course of this inquiry is vital to ensuring that the communications sector meets the demands of the ever-able digital age,” he stated.

He underscored the importance of interconnection, dispute resolution, and fair competition in promoting a stable telecommunications ecosystem.

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According to him, Dr. Maida “The NCC is an independent regulatory authority for the communications industry in Nigeria, has also been committed towards ensuring that accessible and competitive telecoms industry,” he stated.

He encouraged participants to provide valuable inputs and feedback to ensure that the regulatory instruments meet the demands of the ever-evolving digital age.

“The NCC’s consultative approach ensures that all stakeholders’ voices are heard and considered, promoting a collaborative effort to create an environment that inspires innovation and serves the best interests of all stakeholders,” he added.

Ag. Head Legal & Regulatory Services, emphasized the importance of their input in refining regulations to address evolving challenges.

“The proposed amendments aim to enhance compliance, foster fair competition, and promote efficient dispute resolution. The review of these instruments will help address emerging challenges, bolster investor confidence, and support the growth of the communications sector,” she said.

Mrs. Whyte identified collaboration and stakeholder engagement as pivotal to driving the sector forward.

“The NCC values the input of all stakeholders in creating a strong, dynamic industry that promotes innovation and supports economic growth.”

She affirmed that the NCC was committed to regulatory excellence and building a robust communications sector that supports the Nigerian economy.

The public inquiry provides a platform for stakeholders to contribute to shaping the future of the telecommunications sector.

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