Ramadan Kareem

Nigeria launches Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy

By Zeniat Abubakar, Abuja

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The Nigerian government has launched the Steering Committee for the elaboration of the country’s Long-Term Low Emissions Development Strategy. (LT-LEDS).

The overall objectives of the Long-Term Low Emission elaboration is for the implementation of the visionary plans for achieving low-carbon, decarbonisation and climate-resilient societies.

Permanent Secretary Nigeria’s Ministry of Environment, Mr Hassan Musa said the Long-term Strategies would provide a pathway for the transformation and a vital link between shorter-term and the long-term objectives of the Paris Agreement.

He stressed that these strategies offer many other benefits, including guiding countries to avoid costly investments in high-emissions technologies, support equitable transitions, and promote technological innovation.

Increased Stakeholders Engagement

He also encouraged the stakeholders   to make meaningful contributions that would lead to a successful outing towards increased Stakeholders engagement.


“As you engage in the consultations, I urge you all to seek efficiency and try to avoid the multiplication of activities. Further ensure synergies between the LT-LEDS, the Energy Transition Plan with the NDC.

“This will help ensure buy-in and ownership of key ministries, departments, and agencies and non-governmental stakeholders over the final strategy. Thus, it is essential if our long-term strategies will be influential in guiding short, medium, and long-term planning and investment decisions across society to initiate an effective and just transition to a low greenhouse gas emission and resilient future,” the Permannet Secratry stated.

The Director of Climate Change in the Nigeria’s Ministry of Environment, Dr Iniobong Abiola-Awe said the Long-Term vision was developed to fight the effect of climate change in the country.

She said the Ministry would look forward to engaging effective relevant capacity to ensure that climate change in Nigeria, would have holistic approach that these visions that were already elaborated would commence its implementations.

Over the last year, under the guidance of the Department of Climate Change, DCC  within the Ministry of Environment Nigeria a long-Term vision, was developed as a first contribution towards ensuring Nigeria fights the effect of  Climate Change, and also a compliance with the Long-Term goals of the Paris Agreement.”

Future Climate Actions

The Executive Director 2050 Pathways Platform Mr. Richard Baron, said the platform was created years ago by some countries including Nigeria to foster Long-terms plans and for ambitions future climate actions.


He said the platform would continue to work with Nigeria to support the project, under the guidance of the Department of Climate Change, DCC,  in the Ministry of Environment.

“We see the Long-Term Strategy as one of the major processes, it’s not about the document  but about the process the country put in place, to actually start its journey towards its development, there has to be a signal from the Heads of State or a high level decision  that it is important to actually considered the decision of the Long-Term development, ” he said.


In 2021 the  Nigerian government, under the guidance of the Department of Climate Change, DCC developed a Long-Term vision to 2050, (LTV 2050), as a first contribution towards the elaboration of the full Long-Term Strategy, LTS.

The vision provides a clear sense of direction to all stakeholders for a well managed transition to a low-carbon economy that grows existing and new sectors, create jobs and economic opportunities for the nation.

The elaboration of the LTS is structured around five work packages, governance, intern-ministerial coordination, and project management, modeling, stakeholders engagement, Action plan and Long-Term Low Strategy, LTS implementation, and LTS drafting and validation.

The project is expected to last for 10 months, starting from April this year.

The development of the Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy, LTS will be supported by national consultant and the technical experts meting regularly for catch-ups and progress updates with Department of Climate Change, DCC and the 2050 Pathways Platform throughout the duration of the project.



Confidence Okwuchi

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