Nigerian Air Force reviews strategies for enhanced operations

Martha Obi, Abuja

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The Nigerian Air Force has reviewed key safety strategies for enhanced operational effectiveness and efficiency.

In the NAF Safety Review Board (SRB) meeting which was held at the Headquarters in Abuja, the Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Oladayo Amao explained that as a highly technical Service operating sophisticated aircraft, equipment and military hardware, flight safety should be inherent in all NAF daily activities.

He said the meeting focused on the steps taken by various NAF units towards addressing safety issues highlighted by the standing NAF Safety Audit Committee set up earlier in the year to chart a way forward in maintaining high safety standards in aircraft operations.

Air Marshal Amao further emphasized that the meeting should serve as a veritable platform for addressing all safety concerns so as to proffer realistic and lasting solutions to flight safety issues.

According to the CAS, “Overall, the essence of the meeting must be geared towards making the NAF a safer, more effective and efficient instrument of National Power.”

While commending all NAF personnel for maintaining high safety standards, the CAS enjoined members of the SRB to explore ways of ensuring the sustenance of high safety standards in the conduct of all NAF air operations.

The Chief of Standards and Evaluation (COSE), Air Vice Marshal (AVM) Olusegun Philip stated that the SRB, as the designated safety management body, is primarily tasked with appropriating safety policies and guidelines for the entrenchment of safety culture in the NAF.

He also disclosed that so far, about 100 NAF personnel have undergone various safety courses within and outside the country in the last 6 months

According to him, efforts were on to collaborate with the United States Air Force to organize an in-country safety management training for more NAF personnel before the end of the year.

AVM Philip disclosed that training activities at the Nigerian Air Force Institute of Safety which were hitherto suspended following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic would soon resume with new courses to broaden the scope of safety education in the NAF.

He thereafter urged members of the Safety Review Board to continue to support all safety activities across the entire NAF strata through effective Monitoring and Evaluation.

The meeting had in attendance Branch Chiefs, Air Officers Commanding, as well as NAF Safety and Evaluation officers from NAF formations and units nationwide.


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