Nigerian government approves establishment of Hajj Institute

 Fatima Hassan, Abuja

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The Federal Ministry of Education has approved the establishment and take-off of the Hajj Institute of Nigeria.

This was formally disclosed at the First Board and Stakeholders Strategic Review and Planning Meeting in Abuja, the nation’s capital.

The institute is designed to improve the quality of manpower in the Hajj and Umrah Sector in Nigeria.

It will organize and implement professional training programmes leading to the award of Professional Hajj Management Certificate, Diploma and PGD in core and allied related courses.

The institute is scheduled to take-off with a Professional Certificate in Strategic Management for the Executive Managers of Hajj and Umrah Industry.

The school will offer two Diploma Programmes, one in Hospitality and Tourism and the other in Computer Science.

Some areas for the take-off courses in the institute are: Leadership, Management and Responsibility: The Islamic Perspective; An overview of Hajj management structures in Nigeria and Saudi-Arabia; Foundations of strategic management for emerging Leaders and Managers of Hajj and Umrah Industry; Management Information System for Hajj and Umrah Operations; Value Chain Analysis and Evaluation of Hajj and Umrah Operations; Building and Managing Team Members for Successful Hajj/Umrah Operations; General Studies on International Language Proficiency Skill.

National Hajj Commission of Nigeria, NAHCON said it will continue to consult with any person or corporate entity that can contribute to the success of the institution.

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