Nigerian Government Subsidises 2024 Pilgrimage

By Timothy Choji, Birnin Kebbi



The Nigerian government has subsidized the 2024 pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia with the sum of 90 billion naira. Vice President Kashim Shettima revealed this on Wednesday, during the inaugural flight of the 2024 pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia.

The Vice President noted that President Bola Tinubu had to approve the subsidy to address the challenge associated with foreign exchange.

“President Bola Ahmed Tinubu painstakingly worked round the clock to control the downward spiral of our local currency to bring relief to our pilgrims and other Nigerians; a move that eventually succeeded in lowering the tier modestly.

 ‘The President approved the release of N90 billion to subsidize the cost of pilgrimage for this year’s hajj. Therefore, I urge you not to relent in praying for the success of this administration, for the peace and progress of our country that we are proud to call our motherland,” the Vice President advised.

He said the Nigerian government will continue to encourage citizens to perform their religious obligations.

He said members of the Board of the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria were carefully selected based on their experience to enhance efficiency in the management of pilgrims’ affairs.

“The government of Nigeria led by our great President Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, attaches immense importance to religious pilgrimage due to the role it plays in transforming behavioral and social vices of the believers.

 “You are performing one of the articles of our faith and due to this high regard, the government took time to select men of integrity with administrative acumen and records of selfless dedication to manage the affairs of the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria in the interest of the nation’s,” the VP stated.


Good Ambassadors

VP Shettima admonished the intending pilgrims to abide by the rules of Saudi authorities while performing their pilgrimage.

The Vice President added that to ensure a successful Hajj operation, all stages of the pilgrimage would be monitored.

Kebbi State Governor, Dr Nasiru Idris, said Kebbi State was the first among equals to remit its pilgrims fare for the annual exercise to the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria. The Governor further disclosed that the State government spent over N953 million on the upgrade of facilities at the Sir Ahmadu Bello International Airport and the hajj camp in Kebbi, to enable the airlifting of pilgrims directly from Kebbi to Saudi Arabia.“The airlift of Kebbi State pilgrims last year was carried out in Sokoto due to some very obvious reasons but this administration has been able to overcome such infractions. ”

“A professional aviation consultant was engaged to holistically undertake a maintenance and upgrade of facilities in our international airport in the total sum of N53 million while infrastructure facilities were provided for the State’s hajj camp in the sum of N900 million,” the Governor disclosed.

The Sultan of Sokoto, His Eminence, Sa’ad Abubakar III, commended the Nigerian government under the leadership of President Bola Tinubu for

“I want to thank the federal government under the leadership of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for all efforts put in place to ensure that this hajj takes place. When all hopes were lost, light showed at the end of the tunnel and today we are having this inaugural flight,” he said.

He said the airlift of pilgrims from Kebi was historic, and urged the pilgrims to conduct themselves in a good manner while in the holy land.

“You all know the importance of going to the holy land for hajj and I know how disciplined Nigerian pilgrims have always been. I know the pilgrims coming out of Kebbi State will be the best and I want other pilgrims from the remaining States to emulate them,” he said.

The royal father prayed for a successful hajj operation as he solicited prayers for leaders at all levels and peace and unity in the country.

Chairman of the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON), Jalal Arabi, assured the pilgrims that arrangements have been concluded for them to have a rewarding hajj exercise.

“Today is undoubtedly a memorable day in the short life of the 5th Board of NAHCON because we are about to put to bed the many strategies we have conceived for the safe delivery of a well-organised hajj season. I assure you that all the essential services provided for the pilgrims are of high standard under the supervision of a well-motivated and dedicated staff,” the NAHCON Chairman stated.

Mr Arabi noted that the Commission will deploy strategies that will boost the revenue base of NAHCON to be self-sustaining through identifying and utilizing resources embedded in the hajj ecosystem, with no extra cost to the pilgrims.

Dignitaries at the event included the Minster of Aviation and Aerospace, Festus Keyamo, Minister of State-Education, Dr Yusuf Sununu, the Deputy Chief of Staff to the President, (Office of the Vice President). Senator Ibrahim Hassan Hadeja, Senator Ali Ndume, Former Governor of Kebbi State, Usman Dakingari, Members of the National Assembly from Kebbi Stae, Speaker Kebbi State House of Assembly,  Muhammad Usman Ankwai and his Sokoto State counterpart, Alhaji Tukur Bala Bodinga, among others.


Dominica Nwabufo

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