Nigerian Government to deploy e-surveillance system across borders

By Vin Oliji, Abuja


The Nigerian Government said it is deploying automated border management solutions across its vast borders to tackle cross-border banditry and irregular migration.

Minister of Interior, Dr Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo disclosed this in Abuja, shortly after inspecting the e-border management centre as well as the Command and Control Centre for the electronic gates at the airports.

According to him, while the e-border project was over 60 percent completed, the e-Gates Command and Control Centre is now 100 percent completed and awaiting commissioning by President Bola Tinubu.

Both centres are domiciled in the Nigeria Immigration Service headquarters in Abuja.

The minister who was happy with the standard and speedy compliance of the contractors handling the projects warned that he would not tolerate any sabotage against the facilities and urged the immigration management to ensure that the facilities were put into proper use to serve their purposes.

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