Nigerian Social Media Space Needs Regulations – Adenike Adeniji



Adenike Adeniji popularly known as Anik Entertainment in the showbiz circles has shared her concerns regarding people’s excesses on social media.

She said, “I wish there were boundaries, there are rules guiding what people post online. Especially in Nigeria, it needs to be regulated. People post all sorts of horrible and untrue things which are not even supposed to be online about people and they get with it”.

The beautiful and hardworking CEO of Anik Entertainment is set to carve a niche for herself in the highly competitive entertainment industry by showcasing and exposing young Nigerian artistes to international audiences, and also through various movie productions her company is set to embark on.

Explaining her foray into show promoting, a predominantly male dominated industry, Anik Entertainment stated that, “I’m a lover of good music and I’m so much in love with entertainment. Right from onset I’ve always loved entertainment.

I once acted in about 2 home video movies in 2005 but I got discouraged by my parents who are not encouraging me so I left it. Right now, I promote events.

I bring in artistes into the UK for shows. I still love acting, but I’m planning to go into movie productions and become a producer. I’m currently working on some movie projects”.

Speaking about the challenges she faced when starting out, “Promoting is a very tough job and you have to be strong, and also be a very hard working person to delve into this type of profession or business.

It’s tough getting other promoters to support you when you are new in the business.

You barely see someone that will genuinely love you, support you or your brand especially when you are upcoming and you are just starting”, Anik Entertainment stated.

She further shed lights on qualities of a successful promoter in the Entertainment industry and what the job has taught her since she started her business. “A good music promoter must be able to manage clients and situations. In this business you meet lots of people with all sorts of characters and you must be able to tolerate them.

You must also be humble but strict. Before you invest in any business you need to do your research.

Never say you are doing it like a favour. I’ve realized that there’s no favour or sentiment in business”.

Aside from music promotions she is also a certified Mental Health specialist in the UK. Her profession makes her to deal with people with learning disabilities and people with mental health issues. She works in the hospital and in the community as well.

Speaking about her visions for her brand, Princess Anik reveals that, “I’m just taking things one step at a time, especially when it comes to this entertainment industry.

Promoting, acting, movie production, I want to take things easy as much as I can, because I realized that the industry is mostly filled with fake people.

They don’t love you, it’s mostly about fake love. And me, I’m a lover girl.

I love love, and me, I like to be real and transparent with people. But I see myself doing more movie productions”.







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