
Nigerian Youths are Formidable, Brilliant – Olawande

By Ene Audu, Abuja 


The Minister of State for Youth Development, Mr. Ayodele Olawande, has praised Nigerian youths as formidable and the most brilliant in the world.

He made this declaration when a delegation from the Afro-Arab Youth Council (AAYC), led by Secretary General, Dr. Abass Agaba Mugisha, paid him a courtesy visit in his office in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital.

Mr. Olawande emphasized the exceptional talents and intelligence of Nigerian youths, stating that they have the potential to become influential global leaders.

He noted that Nigerian youths are thriving in various fields, making significant contributions to society and the world.

The minister highlighted President Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s strategic prioritization of youth-focused programs and policies, seamlessly integrated across various ministries, departments, and agencies. 

According to the honorable minister, “The National Youth Investment Fund is a groundbreaking initiative that aims at providing crucial financial support to aspiring young entrepreneurs.

The fund represents a significant step towards addressing the pressing issue of unemployment among the youth in our country by empowering young people to pursue their entrepreneurial ambitions. This initiative has the potential to create a positive impact on our economy and society at large.

The commitment to implementing a 30% quota for youth inclusiveness in his government indicates that Mr. President is a lover of young people. It is a promising development that signals a more inclusive and representative leadership, bringing hope for positive change and progress in our nation,” Olawande added.

While urging leaders in the country to promote the unity of young people, Ayodele opined that “the only thing that can be done is to be committed to the office and the people.”

In his speech, the Secretary General of the Afro-Arab Youth Council, Dr. Abbas Mugisha, highlighted the aims of the visit, which included requesting the Nigerian government to take a more significant position in the governance of the African Arab Council, seeking the consent of the Nigerian government to make Nigeria the regional coordinator for West African countries, and to make known the decision taken by the council at their meeting in Uganda on Monday to make President Bola Ahmed Tinubu the custodian of the African Arab Youth Council, as well as the father and adviser.

These, he said, will boost the image of the council and equally add value to Nigeria.

With the kind permission of the honorable Minister Of State, Abbas Agaba used the occasion of the visit to appoint the Vice president of the Nigerian National Youth Council, Mr. Mukthar Koshile as the African Arab Council Coordinator, and the staff of office was handed over to him.

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