NOA Embraces AI, Mobile Tech to Improve Public Engagement

Mnena Iyorkegh, Abuja


The National Orientation Agency (NOA) says it is shifting towards leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) and mobile technology to improve public outreach and engagement across the country.

The Director-General of the National Orientation Agency (NOA), Lanre Issa-Onilu, made this known at an expert engagement on anti-corruption and police accountability in Abuja.

He also noted that Nigeria has a very large youthful population with technological know-how, which calls for technological avenues to engage with them.

“We are now creating a lot of platforms to engage with Nigerians. We are in a country with a large youthful population, these youths are very technologically inclined.

‘‘So, you must develop technology to engage with them, that’s why we have the mobile APP., and also the people we want to talk to can achieve our mandate, we have created a mobile app, and we are going to be deploying several Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to enhance the way we engage with Nigerians.

‘‘As I speak, we have over 45 million Nigerians in our database with their contact details. So, imagine with a press of a button, 45 million will receive messages from us. We also created that platform for Nigerians to give us feedback to pass on to the government.

‘‘We are also trying to interface with all MDAs. Cos that is part of our mandate. AI tools will also allow us to get information from the MDAs without going to them and them coming to us. I can tell you confidently that we are ready for it.’’ he said.

According to the NOA Boss, organisations are faced with historical challenges of inadequate resources and logistical constraints that hamper effective public sensitization efforts across local government areas, which needs to be addressed.

We believe that informed citizens are empowered to make better choices, thereby reducing the prevalence of drug abuse in our communities.

Let me at this point urge the UNODC, to consider leveraging its wide knowledge in the sector by providing NOA and our wide network of officers with the requisite information on the underworld business called drug consumption, trafficking, and sales in Nigeria.

The NOA are in the communities and are expected to provide civil intelligence to authorities on significant community activities.

Also Read: National Orientation Agency holds retreat to sensitize Nigerians

Partnership with UNODC will give us the knowledge and expertise to provide timely feedback to the government and concerned stakeholders as we fight the menace of drug consumption in our country.

I believe that this workshop also emphasizes the pivotal role of the media in ensuring police accountability and highlighting anti-corruption measures. By reporting objectively and responsibly, the media can expose corruption, hold public officials accountable, and promote transparency within law enforcement agencies.

Similarly, raising awareness about wildlife crime is essential for preserving our natural heritage and promoting sustainable environmental practices,”he said.

According to him, NOA’s new database includes contact details for approximately 45 million Nigerians. This vast repository according to him, enables the agency to disseminate messages instantly and collect feedback to pass on to the government.

“At the National Orientation Agency, we recognize the power of a well-informed populace in combating societal ills. This understanding drives our commitment to catalyse Programmes like CLHEEAN Community Project, the flagship template for programme design, approach, and implementation for addressing critical societal issues.

‘‘CLHEEAN stands for Crime, Lawlessness, Health, Environment, Education, Abuse, and Narcotics, and through this initiative, we aim to engage communities directly, partner with stakeholders and provide them with the knowledge and tools needed to tackle these challenges head-on.

‘‘One of the core components of CLHEEAN is the fight against narcotics. Drug abuse not only devastates individual lives but also erodes the fabric of our communities.

‘‘Through targeted sensitization campaigns, we aim to educate the public on the dangers of drug abuse and the importance of prevention. Our approach to combating drug abuse includes extensive outreach and education programs designed to inform young people and vulnerable populations about the risks associated with narcotics,” he noted.

The Director-General also underscored the importance of integrating AI tools to streamline interactions with other Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs), as part of a broader effort to fulfil the mandate of NOA’s operations under the current administration, which has placed a strong emphasis on orientation and value reorientation.

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