Ramadan Kareem

Ramadan: Health expert urges Muslims to observe Covid-19 measures

Abdul Mohammed Isa, Niger State

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A nutritionist and a UNICEF consultant in northern part of the country, Dr Sani Zaria has reminded Muslims that measures of Covid-19 is still applicable during the month of Ramadan even though vaccination against Covid-19 has started in the country.

The guidelines for Covid-19 according to Dr Hassan are very necessary in preventing the infection as the pandemic is still not over yet.

On issues raised whether the covid-19 vaccination would break the fast, Islamic scholars the world over have confirmed that an intramuscular injection does not invalidate the fast.

Dr Zaria who advised those fasting to eat healthy nutritious meals during the month of Ramadan, further advised on taken enough fluids during the iftar and Sahur.

In addition, he mentioned that individuals suffering from chronic illnesses should consult their doctors on how to manage regular medication.

“It is always and particularly important to identify persons at risk of severe form of Covid-19, such as the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions (e.g. cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease or cancer), to respect the social distancing and respect hand and general hygiene measures.

However, people who are affected by Covid-19 may wish to consider the religious license to break their fast in consultation with their doctor.”

Dr Zaria however reminded Muslims fasting during the month of Ramadan, to strictly follow the general Covid-19 measures during the Ramadan period,

“Washing of hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and water.

Washing of all the fruits and vegetables before consumption,

Maintain social distancing at least 2 meters (6 feet) and avoid unnecessary gatherings with friends and always stay informed and follow the advice given by your healthcare provider and health authorities.”

Ramadan will see Muslims around the world observing daytime fasting for a period of 30 days, abstaining from meals and drinks, while spending large portions of their time in prayers.

The fast begins with a light meal known as ‘Suhour’, consumed at dawn before Imsak time, and ends at sunset.

Dominica Nwabufo

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