Realizing Nigeria’s Global Biodiversity Framework is achievable – Minister

By Zeniat Abubakar Abuja,

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Stakeholders and local communities collaboration will help the Nigerian government approach in realizing the goals and targets of its Global Biodiversity Framework.

Nigeria’s Minister of State for Environment Dr Iziaq Salako stated this at the inception workshop for the “Kunming- Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Early Action Support Project” held in Abuja the nation’s capital.

The Minister said the that the aim of the workshop is to focus on a rapid review of the Nigeria Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan, NBSAP using government approach to identify the level of alignment of national goals and targets.

“The world is facing an extinction crisis, with one million species threatened with extinction, many within decades, i am sure you will all agree with me that such a situation is unacceptable and that urgent action must be taken. “ The Minister stated.

Dr Salako also noted that Nigeria has been driving an ambitious global agenda to address this crisis, including at the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, CoP15.

“During CoP15, Nigeria joined hands with our ECOWAS colleagues and ensured that ECOWAS priorities were encapsulated within the landmark Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

We fought hard for these achievements, and I know that many of you here today were part of the team that made it happen, I am particularly proud of Target 3, which sets a mandate to conserve and protect at least 30% of the Planet by 2030 (30×30) and calls for effectively conserving this 30%.” He said.

The Minister however commended the Global Environment Facility, GEF, UNEP, FAO and other Partners for providing financial and technical support package that focuses on four components, NBSAP alignment, monitoring systems, policy & institutional coherence, and biodiversity finance.

Representative of UNEP Mrs Deborah Kahatano said the UNEP is committed in supporting Nigeria to access technical and financial support to implement the Global Biodiversity Framework.

“This is a very important milestone for us and we will like to be part of this journey we are supporting the Global Biodiversity Framework GBF, programme the purpose of this project is to support countries to implement any action that is required to implement the Global Biodiversity Framework, this could include revision of Nigeria NBSAP, I think that is a major milestone the Nigerian government could achieve, you have a very good document if you are not implementing then you are not achieving much.” She explained.

She added that the implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework and Conservation of Biodiversity involves the entire government and all society approach.

Representative, of Food and Agriculture Organization Ms Nifesimi Ogunkua commended Nigeria’s readiness to incorporate agri food system into its National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans NBSAP.

She said Nigeria’s commitment to integrating agriculture into its NBSAP is a testament to its vision for a sustainable and prosperous future.

“FAO will continue to support stakeholders in achieving these goals. We at FAO we are committed, and we are willing to facilitate collaborative efforts with Nigeria, FAO has developed some stools able to achieve all this and we believe by leveraging on these tools FAO and Nigeria can make a significant strides in integration of this team in achieving these targets.” She explained.

Ms Nifesimi explained that the approach aligns with FAO missions to provide and promote Biodiversity conservation.

“We recognize the importance of the holistic approach, and we are ready to collaborate closely with Nigeria to achieve these goals and targets. To facilitate this collaboration, and collaborative efforts we have here with us NGOs and different stakeholders.”

Country Director Wildlife Conservation Society Andrew Dunn explained that saving biodiversity and NBSAP is one of the most important tasks the which requires urgent attention from government and NGO partner.

“We know Nigeria still have alot of biodiversity, like the Gorillas, Lions Chimpanzees, Elephants these are things we need to protect, i have came to realized that if we don’t peotect our biodiversity we cannot combat climate change, if we don’t protect our biodiversity we will continue to suffer for flooding.” He said.

The programme organized by UNEP and UNDP is jointly supporting 138 countries to aligned their NBSAP with Global Biodiversity Framework including Nigeria, under the portfolio of UNEP.

The National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) are the policy instruments for national implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity, CBD, to accelerate action to achieve the Vision for Biodiversity of living in harmony with nature by 2050.


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