
Number of Dead Russian Soldiers Hits 20, 000- Official

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The number of Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine could now be as high as 20,000 – according to the latest assessment by a senior Western official.

Previous estimates, given several weeks ago, were about 15,000. That official estimate has increased to “between 15,000 and 20,000.”

The Western official, who does not want to be named, does not speculate on the numbers of Ukrainians killed. However, he acknowledges Ukrainian forces are “facing morale issues” after more than 100 days of fighting.

But while Ukrainian armed forces are “taking very heavy casualties”, he says the Russian offensive continues “to be deeply troubled on many levels.”

He claims Russian forces are running short of some ammunition – specifically precision weapons such as cruise missiles. But he adds Russia still has large stocks of “dumb bombs.



BBC /Shakirat Sadiq

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