SOHK Nigeria Partners With SHEMAPS To Enhance Science Education



The School of Hard Knocks Talents (SOHK) Nigeria has partnered with the Australian based firm, SHEMAPS, in a move to enhance Science education in Nigeria.

This collaboration aims to provide students with essential STEM tools, marking a significant step in advancing educational opportunities across Nigeria.

The CEO of SOHK Talents Nigeria, Dr. Jerry Akubo made this known in a statement made available to Voice of Nigeria, VON.

Dr. Akubo highlighted the importance of this partnership in improving Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education accessibility for students.

“The declining quality of science education in our nation presents a major challenge to the sector’s advancement. This collaboration with SHEMAPS is a game-changer, as it will enhance STEM education and promote inclusivity among students,” Dr Akubo.

SHEMAPS co-founder, Mr. Paul Mead, expressed excitement about empowering young individuals with essential STEM tools for success. Nigeria becoming the 16th country to benefit from this collaboration marks a significant milestone in advancing STEM education.

He said; “SHEMAPS is a social enterprise headquartered in Australia, and we are thrilled to be equipping young girls and boys with the STEM tools they need to succeed. This diverse role model is what the partnership is all about.”

SHEMAPS is a Certified Social Enterprise with a focus on increasing the diversity in STEM education. They run STEM edutainment programs in schools and online, supporting both teachers and students.

The collaboration has already impacted 450 students across 15 government schools in the Federal Capital Territory. By introducing the classroom drone essentials program, it aims to engage an even wider range of students in STEM subjects.




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