Sope Dirisu Set To Star In Revenge Thriller ‘Uncle’

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Ṣọpẹ́ Dìrísù, a fast rising British-Nigerian actor known for his role in ‘Gangs of London’, is set to lead the cast of ‘Uncle’, a revenge thriller directed by Joe Marcantonio.

The story centers around revenge and retribution, it follows the journey of Millie, who is barely a teenager and her uncle John (Dìrísù), on their quest for revenge after the brutal murder of their family.

As they get closer to the people responsible for the murder, Millie must decide if she’s ready to go through with their plan for vengeance.The role of Millie is still in the process of being cast.

The film is co-written by Joe Marcantonio and Owynne Dawkins, produced by Auroral Pictures’ Rebecca Knapp and Matthew Wakeham.

West End films is stated to be in charge of handling the worldwide sales and will launch the project at the virtual American Film Market next month.

Director Joe Marcantonio said, “The legacy of trauma relating to violent crime is something that I have had first-hand experience with, and I am keen to represent it in a realistic and measured way. The film will be kinetic and full of action and adrenaline but also heart.”

Maya Amsellem, Managing Director of WestEnd Films, added, “Uncle is a gripping, intense revenge thriller. Joe Marcantonio’s talent for crafting films in a visually exciting and emotionally arresting way will really appeal to international audiences.”




Deadline/Joy Onu/Hauwa Abu

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