Support Biotechnology to Boost Economy Says NBRDA DG


Prof. Abdullahi Mustapha, the Director-General of the National Biotechnology Research and Development Agency (NBRDA), has emphasized the need for substantial support for biotechnology to expedite economic recovery, growth, and development in the country.

Speaking to journalists in Abuja on Tuesday, Mustapha highlighted that for rapid economic growth and recovery, it is essential for Nigerians, corporate entities, and organizations to back biotechnology initiatives.

Biotechnology, which utilizes biological processes, organisms, or systems to create innovative products and solutions, plays a crucial role in economic development.

The director-general noted that biotechnology acts as a catalyst for economic progress by addressing national challenges, fostering innovation, and promoting sustainability.

“To leverage on biotechnology means to advance and empower nations to build resilient economies, improve living standards, and achieve sustainable development.

‘‘Therefore, strategic investment in biotechnology research, infrastructure, and human capital is essential for unlocking its full potential and driving economic prosperity,” he said.

Also Read: NBRDA Sensitizes South-East Stakeholders On Biotechnology For Healthy Living

Citing statistics from the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) from 2017, Prof. Mustapha noted the significant contributions of biotech crops to food security, sustainability, and climate change mitigation.

He revealed that between 1996 and 2016, biotech crops increased global crop productivity by up to $186.1 billion, resulting in substantial farm income gains worldwide.

During the same period, the reduced use of pesticides on biotech crops helped minimize the environmental impact of herbicides and insecticides, leading to a healthier environment.

Additionally, the productivity gains from biotechnology saved 183 million hectares of land over these years. Mustapha affirmed that biotechnology enhances agricultural products and their resilience.

“These include genetically modified crops for increased yields, pest resistance, and drought tolerance.

“Biotechnology-driven agricultural solutions contribute to food security, farmers livelihoods and economic development,” he said.

Source NAN

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