The Significance Of Good Friday

Sabina Okafor, Abuja

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Good Friday is the day that Christians commemorate the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary, an event that led to the victory of life over death.

The Day is observed by globally as the day in which the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of mankind is celebrated.

The term, “Good Friday” no doubt, became ‘good’ on account of the immense significance of the death of Jesus Christ for the redemption of mankind.

This day, therefore, becomes Christians’ anniversary of redemption.

Good Friday constitutes an essential part of forty penitential period called Lent, which for some Christians, begins with Ash Wednesday, when the faithful had their foreheads marked with ash, reminding one of the nothingness of man before God as epitomized by these words; “you are ash and to ash you will return”. 

The last week of Lent is termed the “Holy Week’’ or Passion Week, which begins with Palm Sunday, to commemorate Christ’s triumphant entry as King into Jerusalem, to suffer and die at the completion of His earthly mission.

The last three days of the Holy Week are called the Tridium and are so important on account of the centrality of the events celebrated in them to our salvation, they are day of Last Supper or Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday.

Good Friday has a very long history, being closely associated with Easter.

Good Friday offers the opportunity to realize that there is more merit in giving than in receiving, following the footsteps of Christ, who gave all for our sake.

The cardinal point here is that one should live ready that he shall die. But before then, one should be ready for that unforeseen day. While waiting for the day, it is penitent to live holy life, shun corruption show love, share with the needy, forgive one another and be true neighbours.

As Christians join Jesus Christ the Lord in his passion experience today, the necessity of self denial in their day to day lives is reappraised against the backdrop of a world that craves for pleasure at the expense of morality and conscience.

Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday celebrations end the season of Lent, kicked off on Ash Wednesday, with 40 days of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving.

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