Two Boko Haram Terrorists Surrender To MNJTF

Nokai Origin


Two Boko Haram terrorists have surrendered to the troops on ongoing Operation Lake Sanity II under the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) troops in Cameroon and Nigeria.

A statement by Chief Military Public Information Officer MNJTF N’Djamena Chad, Lieutenant Colonel Abubakar Abdullahi said in Cameroon’s Sector 1, two terrorist fighters surrendered to the troops at Wulgo. They have been identified as Rawagana Mustapha, 18, and Mustapha Ali, 20.

Similarly, Sector 3 in Nigeria reported the surrender of one terrorist fighter, Ibrahim Malam, 28, to the 403 Amphibious Brigade in Baga. Preliminary investigations revealed that Malam had been a Boko Haram fighter living in Kwaleram, south of Lake Chad, for 6 years.

As Operation Lake Sanity II progresses, MNJTF urges other terrorists to surrender and lay down their arms for lasting peace and prosperity in the region.


Lantana Nasir

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