Ukraine To Aspen, Nervousness Over Critical Moment For War

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The rarefied setting of Aspen, Colorado, with its mountain views and manicured lawns, is a world away from the minefields and trenches of Ukraine’s front-line, but for a few days this past week the two places were connected.

Every year, the Aspen Security Forum plays host to the influential elite who shape America’s relationship with the wider world.

And this time, upper-most in the minds of policymakers and think-tankers were questions about the progress of the war in Ukraine.

President Volodymyr Zelensky even made an appearance – showing up remotely on a vast screen in the auditorium – to express thanks and ask for more help, an acknowledgement that this is a critical period in which much seems to lie in the balance.

And arriving in Aspen off the back of three weeks in Ukraine, I found a nervousness not far beneath the surface about not just the pace of Ukraine’s current counter-offensive but also about America’s long-term commitment.

Ukraine is a month into its counter-offensive and it is clear that it’s proving, as one speaker put it, a “hard slog” with often just a few metres of ground taken each day.

The first question to President Zelensky was why things were going slower than expected. He patiently explained that the launch of the counter-offensive had been delayed because of a lack of weapons, ammunition and training and that this had given Russia a chance to lay more mines and improve its defences.

But, he said to reassure those that might be growing worried, the moment when actions would “gain pace” was approaching.

Ukraine relies on US military aid – and you can glimpse tension over what has been given and when.

Where President Zelensky in Aspen renewed his call for more, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan barely an hour or two later said that US military advisers do not believe F-16 fighter jets would play a significant role in current operations.

BBC/Jide Johnson.

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