UN chief warns world on one-way ticket to disaster over climate

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United Nations, chief Antonio Guterres said the world’s current climate situation is a one-way ticket for disaster, reiterating the urgency of agreement at the COP26 climate conference at the end of the month.

The 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change, struck at the COP21 summit, called for global warming to be capped at well below two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) above the pre-industrial level, and ideally closer to 1.5C (2.7F).

According to Guterres, “Such an increase was obviously a one-way ticket for disaster.

“The carbon pollution of a handful of countries has brought humanity to its knees and they bear the greatest responsibility.

“I hope we are still on time to avoid a failure in Glasgow, but time is running short, and things are getting more difficult and that is why I’m very worried. I’m afraid things might go wrong,” he said.

The Glasgow submit begins on October 31 and is seen as crucial for agreeing on worldwide emission targets that will slow global heating.

The Group of 20, which includes the world’s biggest economies, is due to meet in Italy on October 30, but leaders are said to be divided over phasing out coal and committing to the 1.5C target.

“The G20 leaders will meet in Rome and they know their economies are responsible for four-fifths of planet carbon pollution,” Guterres said.

“If they do not stand up, we are headed for terrible human sufferings.”





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