WHO launches global guidelines to support women, newborns

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The World Health Organization (WHO) today launched its first ever global guidelines to support women and newborns in the postnatal period, the first six weeks after birth.

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This is a critical time for ensuring newborn and maternal survival and for supporting healthy development of the baby as well as  the mother’s overall mental and physical recovery and wellbeing.

In a statement made available on its website, the world health body stated that the new postnatal guideline recognises “a positive postnatal experience as a significant endpoint for all women giving birth and their newborns, laying the platform for improved short and long-term health and well-being.”

According to the WHO, a positive postnatal experience is “one in which women, newborns, partners, parents, caregivers and families receive information, reassurance and support in a consistent manner from motivated health workers; where a resourced and flexible health system recognises the needs of women and babies, and respects their cultural context.”

The UN health agency revealed that more than three in 10 women and babies do not currently receive postnatal care in the first days after birth, which is the period when most maternal and infant deaths occur.

It added, “Meanwhile, the physical and emotional consequences of childbirth – from injuries to recurring pain and trauma – can be debilitating if unmanaged, but are often highly treatable when the right care is given at the right time.”

Director of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Ageing, Dr. Anshu Banerjee, noted that the quality of maternal care does not stop once a baby is born.

She said, “Indeed, the birth of a baby is a life-changing moment, one that is bound by love, hope and excitement, but it can also cause unprecedented stress and anxiety.

“Parents need strong health care and support systems, especially women, whose needs are too often neglected when the baby comes.”

According to the WHO guidelines, in addition to addressing immediate health concerns, the first weeks after birth are crucial for building relationships and establishing behaviours that affect long-term infant development and health.

The guidelines also include recommendations for breastfeeding counselling, meant to aid attachment and positioning as breastfeeding is established and to support parents in providing responsive care for their newborns.

Some of the new guidelines as recommended by the WHO include, “High quality care in health facilities for all women and babies for at least 24 hours after birth, with a minimum of three additional postnatal checkups in the first six weeks.

“Steps to identify and respond to danger signs needing urgent medical attention in either the woman or the baby

“Treatment, support and advice to aid recovery and manage common problems that women can experience after childbirth, such as perineal pain and breast engorgement

“Screening of all newborns for eye abnormalities and hearing impairment, as well as vaccination at birth

“Support to help families interact and respond to babies’ signals, providing them with close contact, warmth and comfort

“Exclusive breastfeeding counselling, access to postnatal contraception and health promotion, including for physical activity

“Encouragement of partner involvement, by being part of checkups, for instance, as well as providing support to the woman and attending to the newborn

“Screening for postnatal maternal depression and anxiety, with referral and management services where needed.

Speaking on the WHO guidelines, a medical officer with WHO’s Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research and the UN Special Programme, HRP, Dr. Mercedes Bonet, noted that women need positive postnatal experience to help them navigate the

immense physical and emotional challenges that occur after their babies are born, while building their confidence as parents.

Dedicated postnatal services should provide vital physical and mental health support, while helping caregivers thrive in providing the right care for their newborns,” she added.



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