World Red Cross Day: Stakeholder seeks more humanitarian interventions

Rahila Lassa, Abuja


The need for urgent intervention to curb the challenges faced by humanitarian workers globally , has been restated.

The National President of the Nigerian Red Cross Society, Adeaga Adetayo made the call at a media briefing to commemorate the World Red Cross Day, the in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital.

He said while the focus has always been on the victims of dehumanisation, there’s a need to remember the sacrifices and pains of humanitarian workers.

Represented by the National Communications and Advocacy Adviser, the President noted that the work of the Society extends far beyond emergency response.

” This year, as we reflect on the theme of ‘Keeping Humanity Alive,’ we are reminded of the critical importance of our mission in the face of unprecedented global challenges. From the devastating impact of conflicts to the relentless onslaught of natural disasters, epidemics and pandemics our volunteers are on the front lines, providing comfort, relief, and hope to those in desperate need. In a world plagued by uncertainty and turmoil, preserving humanity becomes our beacon of light, guiding us through the darkest of times”.

Mr Adetayo further stated that corporate organisations, governments and individuals in Nigeria should begin to see humanitarian response from the way of the aid worker to make it easy for them.

He commended the Kenyan government for its commitment to supporting the work of the Red Cross in its country noting that Nigerians must wake up and begin to do their duty.

According to him, there’s a dire need for the members of the Red Cross Society to reawaken the spirit in them, do things differently and make their presence visible and transparent if things must change.

“If we fail in these duties,then the aparthy of the general public will continue to build.”

The Secretary General of the  Nigerian Red Cross, Abubakar Kende said all hands must be on deck to achieve the fight against humanitarian crises, especially in Nigeria.

Mr emphasised that Nigeria and Nigerians must support the Red Cross Society especially in the area of finance.

“We’re established by government to compliment government role. So obviously it’s also for us to look at how we can harness resources from other quarters other than government.”.

He added that the Nigerian Red cross has over eight hundred thousand volunteers spread across all the 774 LGAs through which it could be reached for assistance and support of any kind.

The Head of Delegation, Country Cluster Delegation, for Benin, Ghana Nigeria and Togo, Mr Bhupinder Tomar re-echoed the need for humanitarian laws to be observed to keep humanity alive.

“I think as humanitarian also, we can do better to ensure that the principle that we hold very dearly and the principle that has worked very well for us for over a century ,that we promote them more, that we make them real for people, and we allow people to understand that, those principles not only keep humanitarian actors alive, but also combatants alive in many ways

“Respect for international humanitarian law not only preserves the humanity of people affected by crises, it preserves the totality of humanity  both today and in the future.

From the most remote corners of the globe and the most challenging contexts, volunteers and staff are pillars of hope.

Every day, they keep humanity alive, providing comfort to people in desperate need – sometimes paying the highest price in the process. This World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day, we honour their service, bravery and sacrifice.

Beyond borders and amidst our diverse backgrounds, the unity of our Movement lies in our shared commitment to humanitarian action. Our work is rooted in the principles of neutrality, impartiality and independence. Even in the darkest moments, every act of kindness is a beacon of hope, promising a brighter tomorrow.”

The theme for the 2024 World Red Cross Society day is “Keeping Humanity alive”.  



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