
Minister Pledges Long-Term Benefit of  Ongoing Economic Reforms in Nigeria 

Florence Adidi

Nigeria’s Minister for Budget and Economic Planning  Senator Abubakar Atiku, has provided a detailed update on the economic reforms being implemented by President Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu’s administration.
This was at the Ministrial Briefing  that was   held to mark President Tinubu’s first year in office as Nigeria’s President,  which aimed to inform Nigerians about the ongoing changes and their anticipated impact on the nation’s economy.
Sentor Bagudu acknowledged the short-term challenges that citizens are currently facing due to these reforms. He empathized with the public, recognizing the discomfort that accompanies significant economic adjustments. However, he emphasized that these measures are crucial for laying a solid foundation for sustainable growth and development.
The Minister highlighted several emerging long-term benefits, citing increased confidence from both international rating agencies and investors. “Our strategy for repositioning the economy is already bearing fruit,” Minister Bagudu stated. He pointed to a positive outlook from international financial institutions and a noticeable uptick in both foreign and domestic investments as clear indicators of progress.
Furthermore, Senator Bagudu underscored the administration’s ‘commitment to steering the nation towards a more robust economic trajectory’.  He assured the public that the reforms, though challenging in the short term, are designed to ensure long-term prosperity and stability. The government’s focus, he reiterated, is on creating an environment conducive to growth and development, thereby improving the overall quality of life for Nigerians.
The Ministerial Briefing served as an important platform for the government to communicate its economic strategy and to reinforce its commitment to transparency and accountability. Minister Bagudu’s address aimed to reassure Nigerians that the administration is attentive to their concerns and dedicated to fostering an economy that benefits all citizens.




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