
Naval Chief Affirms Commitment to Statutory Duties

Martha Obi, Abuja


The Chief of Naval Staff, Rear Admiral Emmanuel Ogalla, has affirmed the Nigerian Navy’s steadfast commitment to fulfilling its statutory duties, resulting in numerous achievements over the past year.

Rear Admiral Ogalla, represented by the Chief of Communication and Information Technology, Rear Admiral Zachariah Mohammad, shared this during a special Jumu’ah Prayer in Abuja, to mark the 68th anniversary of the Nigerian Navy.

The Naval Chief highlighted that the Navy’s successes are underpinned by capacity building, the acquisition of platforms, and infrastructural development. He emphasised that the welfare of both personnel and civilian staff is given the attention it deserves, and these efforts will continue to enhance the operational efficiency of the service.

According to him, “Despite numerous challenges that abound, it is imperative thrust we remain prayerfully, steadfast and fan important that they remain peace-loving citizens of the great country as well as a tide by principles that would foster unity in our diversity.”

He noted that the Nigerian Navy under his watch will strive to improve personnel welfare and enhance their operational efficiency through platform acquisitions and infrastructural development, amongst others. This is geared towards repositioning the service to actualize her statutory roles.

“The Glorious Qur’an in Chapter 49 verse 13 reiterates: “O you men! 2. Surely, we have created you of a male and a female and made you tribes and nations that you may know each other, surely the most honourable of you with Allah is the most careful of his duty to Him.

“Surely God is knowing, Aware. As we gather together to pray for our nation and the Nigerian Navy in particular, let us not forget our duty to remain focused by keeping to His tenets as expected,” he said.

He noted some of the recent acquisitions, which include a 35M Hydrographic vessel, 2 x 32M Fast Patrol Boats and 2 x 109 SP Helicopters, in addition to several other projects that will be commissioned during this anniversary celebration.

Also Read: Nigerian Navy Makes Significant Strides Against Oil Theft

“Sequel to Navy Board approval, NNS MADUEKE was also established in Enugu as a Special Operations Composite Base. 

“Other bases will also be established to improve our maritime security operations and stall criminals from carrying out nefarious activities within our maritime environment. 

“These successes, acquisitions and infrastructural development have been made possible by the support of Mr. President. 

“On this note, I seize this opportunity to appreciate Mr. President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, GCFR, for his support to the Nigerian Navy. 

“The Nigerian Navy remains grateful and committed towards sustained security of our maritime domain in attainment of Mr. President’s renewed hope agenda for national prosperity. 

“As they celebrate, let them be of goodwill to one another, rededicate ourselves with renewed focus and enthusiasm towards achieving prosperous future for the Nigerian Navy Long live Nigerian Navy, long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria Fair winds, following seas and Onward Together,” he said.

The Chief Imam, Naval Unit Abuja, Commander Abdulrahman Bello, commended the Nigerian Navy for its victory in curbing oil theft in the country.

He charged the Naval Personnel to be loyal and to continue dedicating themselves to performing their duties effectively for more success.

The Nigerian Navy Officers Wives were also in attendance.

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