Nigeria calls for International collaboration to achieve green economy

By Abubakar Zeniat, Abuja


The Nigerian government has appealed to the international community to honor their financial commitments and support Nigeria in its journey to a green economy.

Secretary to the Government of the Federation, SGF Mr George Akume stated this at the launching of Nigeria’s Nationally Determined Contributions, NDCs Implementation Framework held in Abuja, the nation’s capital.

He said it was time for stakeholders to join hands with the government to turn Nigeria’s NDCs from commitment into achievements.

The SGF represented by his Senior Special Adviser, Technical, Professor Bolaji Babatunde, said that the mobilization of fiancé for effective implementation of NDCs is imperative, adding that collective efforts will bring about the necessary change to drive climate change issues.

He said mobilizing the necessary finances is one of the greatest challenges Nigeria faces as a country and as a developing nation.

“Each Naira or dollar mobilized, each project funded, each technical assistant program and each emission reduced brings us one step closer to a sustainable future. I call on all Ministries, Departments Agencies, and subnational governments to prioritize climate finance in their national agenda, on all private sector to see vast opportunities in sustainable investments, the CSOs/NGOs to continually drive progress in advocacy and policy influence, grassroots mobilization and engagement and the media in public awareness and education. “ He explained.

Professor, Babatunde also noted that the Nigerian government will adopt a multi-faceted approach that leverages public, private and international finance resources necessary for the country’s Nationally Determined Contributions’ NDCs, implementation.

“Today, we take a decisive step in this global endeavour. Let us move forward from here with determination and solidarity with a collective resolve. By mobilizing finance effectively, we can ensure that our Nationally Determined Contributions will lead to meaningful, lasting climate-resilient change.As we launch this NDC Implementation Framework, we also acknowledge the importance of international cooperation.” He said.

According to him, “Nigeria is committed to working with our international partners, sharing knowledge and resources, and supporting each other in this critical endeavour. Together, we can amplify our impact and accelerate the transition to a sustainable, low-carbon future, It is a call to action for governments, businesses, communities, and individuals to unite and take bold steps towards a sustainable future. “

He added that NDCs Implementation Framework is built on the pillars of inclusivity, innovation and integrity to ensure that every sector is engage and contribute to the country’s Climate moves.

In his remarks, Nigeria’s Minister of Environment Mr Balarabe Lawal, reaffirm the government commitment to its climate goals and determination to make a lasting positive impact.

“This framework is not just a strategic plan, it is a call to action for all stakeholders, including government agencies, private sector partners, civil society organizations, and every citizen who is passionate about securing a sustainable future.” He said.

The Minister of Environment further stressed that Nigeria’s journey toward a low-carbon, resilient economy requires collaboration, innovation, and unwavering dedication.

“The Nationally Determined Contributions Implementation Framework, NDC-IF, will facilitate partnerships, mobilize resources, and promote best practices to accelerate our progress. By working together, we can create a cleaner environment, foster green growth, build resilient communities and create a precedent that would provide the lead in meeting other national development challenges.” He said.

The Minister however called on Partners for a more collective support to march Government’s ambitious target to achieve the Paris Agreement.

During his presentation, the Director General National Council on Climate Change, NCCC, Dr Salisu Dahiru said, that the implementation framework is to set out the pathway Nigeria intend to follow towards implementing its NDCs to yield the results that Nigeria is expecting by 2030.

“To develop this document it went through the five different categories of activities the preparations itself the planning of the documents and series of consultations, and also key performance indicators amongst others.” He said.

He said the journey which began in 2019, there is no doubt it making a significant progress.

“There are nineteen desire outcomes as far as this implementation framework is concerned which also has 151 outputs and 301 key performance indicators these are scattered and distributed among the various sectors of the NDCs which also gives an idea of complexities of Nigeria and number of various stakeholders ecosystems that will be involved in the NDCs implementation.” He stated.

Dr Dahiru noted that the documents is very crucial to Nigeria and its implementation of its NDCS’s and also the reporting of the implementation of the NDC’s.

“It is will also serve as a tool to ensure that there is proper coordination, transparency resource mobilization and also serve as a platform for highlighting key priorities as far as key actor for Nigeria Climate Actions is concern.” Director General NCCC added.

The Nationally Determined Contributions Implementation Framework, NDC-IF, is designed to provide a robust and comprehensive Framework for implementing Nigeria’s climate goals.

It will guide Nigeria’s efforts across various sectors, ensuring that its actions are coordinated, effective, and inclusive.

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