Anambra: Ex Vice President’s daughter joins Gubernatorial race

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Daughter of former Vice President, Dr Alex Ekweme, Lady Chidi Onyemelukwe has joined the more than a dozen aspirants gunning for the governorship of Anambra State on the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP.

Lady Onyemelukwe, shortly after submitting her expression of interest and nomination forms at the party’s secretariat in Abuja said she towers above other aspirants seeking the ticket of the PDP in the June 26 governorship primaries.

She described women as special, innovative and daring, that in spite of the brand of politics played in this part, she has no godfather but “the Almighty God.”

 “If you are talking of heavyweight, if we are put on a scale, I believe I am heavier than everyone else.

“As I said, I have a lot to offer. I have a passion for selfless service and Godly service. I believe I stand out because l have the DNA of PDP. I am a core party woman from inception.

 “New things are happening, the world is changing. Women are coming up in different places. Anambra state already has two women senators, which is unknown in the rest of Nigeria. It has never been done elsewhere,” she said.

Asked about her plans for women and children in the state if elected, Lady Onyemelukwe said, “it is the person who wears the shoes that knows where it pinches. As a woman and a mother, I believe that I am in a better position to know what is best not just for the children and women but for the men as well because I am also a wife, daughter and sister.

 “I think the most important thing is education, we need to educate our children. We need our children to have quality and affordable education.

“We need to harness women. Anambra women are strong. As I said we already have two senators out of three. We need to harness our women in terms of having industrial clusters, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises, SMEs. That is my niche and I did serve as Special Assistant to the former President on SMEs in his first tenure. So look out for what Anambra is going to be in the next few years,” she added.

Lady Chidi was the deputy governorship candidate of the PDP in the 2017 election which was won by the incumbent, Willie Obiano of the All Progressive Grand Alliance, APGA.

NP/Confidence Okwuchi


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