Bill To Establish Nursing, Midwifery College In Bayelsa Scales Second Reading

By Gloria Essien, Abuja


A Bill to establish the Federal College of Nursing and Midwifery, Amassoma, Bayelsa has scaled second reading in the House of Representatives.

Sponsored by Mr. Rodney Ebikebina Ambaiowei, the bill was read for the first time on the floor of the House on the 27th of February, 2024.

Leading the debate on the general principles of the Bill, the lawmaker who represents Southern Ijaw Federal Constituency said the depleting workforce in the health sector in the country requires the strengthening of the sector with the training of Nurses and Midwives.

He stressed that health is wealth.

Mr. Ambaiowei said that the bill could not have come at a better time than now to remedy this unfavourable situation in order to rescue the youths who are being lured into various forms of nefarious activities owing to their inability to gain admission into higher institutions.

The proposal for this bill is anchored on the fact that there is no Federal College of Nursing and Midwifery in Bayelsa State at the moment. The need to have this specialized College of Nursing and Midwifery will train and produce high quality healthcare professionals that will contribute to the development of the health sector in Nigeria in the area of research and medical treatment in the State and the entire country.

The Bill is divided into eight Parts. Parts I-V provides for the establishment of the College, Objects of the College and function, Governing Council of the College, and Officers of the College.

“Parts V-VI provides for the authority of the College, its powers, duties, academics, board and Committees.

“Part VII-VIII provides for the funding of the college, budget, audit and accounts.

Mr Speaker, Honourable Colleagues this Bill is timely, given that hospitals and health facilities in our country are suffering a deficit in nursing personnel. The establishment of this institution will not only afford employment opportunities to the lecturers who will teach in that college but it will also offer the requisite training facilities and environment needed to boost, stimulate, nurture and equip Nigerians in modern nursing skills and education.

I therefore implore you dear Honourable members to support the second reading of the Bill which seeks to establish the Federal College of Nursing and Midwifery, Amassoma, Bayelsa State,” he said.

The Bill has as its title, “A Bill for an Act to provide for the establishment of the Federal College of Nursing and Midwifery, Amassoma, Bayelsa State And for other matter related thereto 2024.”





Emmanuel Ukoh

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