Chinese doctors help community in Sierra Leone fight malaria


The Chinese medical team in Sierra Leone, together with some medical experts from the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, have helped local communities in the country to fight malaria.

The Chinese doctors started a two-day program to provide free medical services at the Rogbangba Community as part of this year’s commemoration of World Malaria Day, which falls on April 25.

Chinese medical team, Lu Chaoqun said, “Malaria is a major threat to human life in Sierra Leone, and the initiative of medical treatment is to prevent the spread of malaria and promote good hygiene in the community.”

Anita Kamara, senior malaria management coordinator in Sierra Leone, said everyone has the right to quality, timely, and affordable services to prevent, detect, and treat malaria, but this is not a reality for all.

“Infants and young children continue to suffer the highest mortality rates, and disparities in access to education and financial resources exacerbate the risks,” Kamara added.

Evangelist James Clifford, Rogbangba Community chairman, expressed appreciation to the Chinese doctors for always remembering the community, which he said, is a blessing.

“The free clinic came at the right time, and we are looking forward to more support,” he said.


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