Commission partners with NEMSAS on rural emergency service


National Blood Service Commission (NBSC), has partnered with National Emergency Medical Services Ambulance System (NEMSAS), to enhance rural emergency care services.

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The Director-General of NBSC, Prof. Saleh Yuguda, made this known when members of NEMSAS paid him a courtesy visit on Thursday in Abuja.

Yuguda said the collaboration would improve maternal health outcomes, especially in rural areas, thereby, reducing maternal and child mortality in the country.

He added that, “This partnership will reduce maternal deaths caused by obstetric hemorrhage, a leading cause of maternal mortality in the country.”

Yuguda, while highlighting the importance of the Commission’s One Million Strategic Blood Reserve in addressing blood-related emergencies, called for more voluntary non-remunerated blood donation to increase national reserve.

He said the reserve would help to ensure blood sufficiency, considering blood advocacy and availability, particularly during emergency situations.

The NBSC boss revealed that a committee to facilitate the collaboration would be established to ease operations and develop a concept note that would serve as a working document.

According to him, “The partnership recognises the emergency ambulance as vital tool for blood services, ensuring timely and effective response to medical emergencies.”

Earlier, Dr Saidu Ahmed, the National Programme Manager of NEMSAS, outlined the services’ efforts in establishing a comprehensive medical emergency service ambulance system.

Ahmed, who was represented by Dr Emuren Pere, NEMSAS Head of Operations, emphasised the initiative’s role in sustaining rural medical emergencies, especially in improving maternal transport.


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