Digital Education: UNICEF Engages 500 NYSC Members in Adamawa


The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has enlisted 500 members of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) to promote digital education in schools across 21 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in Adamawa State North-east, Nigeria.

Mr. Abdurahman Ibrahim, the Education Specialist, disclosed this during a briefing with journalists in Yola on Saturday, held concurrently with a two-day training session on the Nigerian Learning Passport (NLP) for the corps members.

Ibrahim highlighted that the NLP, a digital learning platform, aims to enhance digital education for both enrolled and out-of-school children.

He emphasized its repository of over 15,000 learning materials, aiming for universal enrollment, course registration, and completion for every child.

Reflecting on lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, Ibrahim underscored the need for alternative learning initiatives. The involvement of 500 corps members, serving as teachers statewide, complements the NLP’s existing teacher base, aiming to leverage their service experience to boost educational activities.

Also Read: UNICEF Supports Adamawa Schools With Instructional Materials

Each corps member will receive training on the NLP to facilitate enrollment, course registration, and effective learning upon their return to their respective schools.

This initiative is anticipated to bolster the number of educators, thereby improving learning outcomes across Adamawa.

Ibrahim further detailed the comprehensive nature of the NLP, which includes components tailored to address diverse educational needs, encompassing formal and non-formal education such as integrated Quranic education. The program targets children at primary and secondary school levels.

Regarding infrastructure support, Ibrahim noted the distribution of tablets, routers for internet access, and projectors to amplify the NLP in classrooms.

He encouraged parental engagement to minimize recreational screen time among children, advocating for focused use of the learning platform.

In addressing the distribution of tablets and internet access in rural schools, Ibrahim acknowledged the collaboration of various partners committed to advancing the NLP’s objectives in Adamawa.

Source NAN

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