Ramadan Kareem

ECOWAS Parliament to meet in Guinea Bissau over climate change, food security

Adoba Echono

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The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Parliament Committees on Agriculture, environment and natural resources, Infrastructure, Energy and Mines Industry and private sector will on Tuesday converge in Guinea Bissau to discuss the issue of climate change, especially as it affects food security.

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In a statement by the Communication Division of the Parliament, the delocalised meeting will hold from 23 to 27 August 2022 in Bissau, the capital of the Guinea Bissau.

The statement also states that the delocalised meeting with the theme: “A Critical look at the ECOWAS Environment Policy and Climate Strategy; together with the Biennial Review of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Security by Member Countries,” will scrutinize impact of ECOWAS Environmental Policy on agricultural production.

According to the statement, “Four of Parliament’s fourteen standing Committees, comprising the following: Committees on Agriculture, environment and natural resources, Infrastructure, Energy and Mines Industry and private sector were constituted as a Joint Committee and charged with executing this very important oversight activity on the outlined community policy.

The main objective of the delocalized committee meeting is for Members of the Joint Committee to have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the ECOWAS Regional Climate Strategy and the Biennial Review process of agricultural production, food, and nutrition security in the region, with a view to facilitating parliamentary deliberations on budgeting for environmental and agricultural programmes as well as equip Members in carrying out oversight functions over programmes and activities of ECOWAS as mandated by the Supplementary Act on the Enhancement of the Powers of the Parliament (2016)”.

The statement added that West Africa is faced with varied environmental challenges which hamper its social and economic development.

These environmental issues, the Parliament noted are exacerbated by the climate change phenomenon, the effects and impacts of which are considerable on agricultural production.

The Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) was launched in 2003 with the aim of reversing these trends. In 2005, ECOWAS launched its agriculture policy – the ECOWAP – which builds on the CAADP and became known as ECOWAP/CAADP. This programme established an annual review and emphasized the key role of the agricultural sector working groups in achieving set objectives.

Similarly, Member States were tasked with developing National Agricultural Investment Plans (NAIPs), as part of implementing the ECOWAP within Member States.

Nonetheless, a review of recent trends confirms that NAIPs, biennial reviews and agricultural sector working groups are essential to achieving substantial improvements in agricultural production, food security and nutrition in the sub-region.

“It is against the above background that Members of the Joint Committee will be sensitized on recent developments and the role these three mechanisms play in bolstering the sector, by resource persons and stakeholders drawn largely from relevant technical directorates of the ECOWAS Commission charged with developing and monitoring the execution of these programmes as well as relevant Ministries in the host Member State charged with implementing both Environmental and Agricultural policies,” the statement further disclosed.

In addition, the statement concluded that the organized civil society with focus on the subject matter and environmental and agricultural experts, specialists or consultants will also make presentations to the Joint Committee so that it is equipped with all-round perspectives on the subject.

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