Eid: Police, Civil Defence in Gombe promise adequate security 

By Rebecca Mu’azu, Gombe 


The Nigerian Police and Security and Civil Defence Corps in Gombe State have promised the residents of adequate security to ensure a hitch-free Sallah celebration. 

The Commissioner of Police for Gombe State, CP Hayatu Usman said in a statement that the Command was committed to the protection of lives and properties and the maintenance of law and order throughout the Eid celebration. 

CP Hayatu said the Command has heightened security measures across the state, including increased patrols, strategic deployment of personnel and collaboration with community leaders to ensure a peaceful and hitch free Sallah celebration. 

He also reiterated the ban on the sales and use of unauthorized fireworks, popularly known as ‘knockout’ or ‘banger,” saying the ban is enforced to prevent criminal elements from using the items to carry out illegal activities. 

The Command congratulated the Muslims for witnessing another Eid-El-Kabir period as it brings joy, family gatherings and communal prayers. 

He however, advised residents of Gombe State to prioritize their personal security, urging parents and guardians to be vigilant over their children and wards during the festive period. 

He also advised residents to report any suspicious movement of person(s) or item(s) to the nearest Police formation or through the following phone numbers: 





In a related development, the Command of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps in Gombe State has given residents of Gombe State the assurances of a hitch-free 2024 Eid-il Kabir celebration. 

The State Commandant, Mr. Muhammad Bello Mu’azu, said in a message that he had ordered the deployment of 800 officers and men for effective monitoring of the Eid el Fitr Celebration from the 16th to 18th of June 2024. 

Mr. Mu’azu specifically tasked all Area Commanders, Divisional Officers and all Tactical Unit Commanders to emplace and ensure a robust security arrangement in all worship grounds for a hitch free worship. 

The Gombe State Commandant of the Civil Defence directed the officers and men to ensure the protection of lives and property of all citizens and visitors alike, before, during and after the Celebration, as well as protect all critical public and private assets. 

He also directed that law and order be maintained throughout the State before, during and after the Eid Celebration, while wishing all Muslims a Happy Sallah celebration. 

The Commandant also called on members of the public to always be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to the nearest security agency. 

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