
FCT Minister Commiserates With Turkey Over Earthquake

By Hudu Yakubu, Abuja

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The Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Malam Muhammad Musa Bello has commiserated with the government and people of Turkey over the recent earthquake that claimed the lives of over eleven thousand people and loss of properties.

In a statement signed by the Director Press, office of the FCT Minister, Mr Anthony Ogunleye, the Minister expressed sadness when he paid a condolence visit to the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey in Abuja.

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The Minister, who was received by the Turkish Ambassador to Nigeria, HE. Hidayet Bayraktar signed the condolence register where he expressed the sadness of the FCT Administration and the residents of the FCT, over the unfortunate incident.

The Turkish Ambassador while welcoming the Minister expressed his appreciation for the visit.

A massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake on Monday unleashed wanton destruction in southern Turkey. The quake and its aftershocks toppled buildings and sparked fires. More than 10,000 people are reportedly dead.





Emmanuel Ukoh

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