Gombe State: Governor Swears-In Commissioner, 22 Special Advisers

By Rebecca Mu'azu, Gombe


The Governor of Gombe State, Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya has sworn in a new Commissioner and 22 Special Advisers.

Yahaya charged the new appointees to work harmoniously and assiduously to achieve the goals of his administration, saying good governance is significant to achieving the developmental aspirations of the State.

“Your appointment is a call to service, to help navigate the affairs of our State through turbulent waters, and not an invitation to political luxury and profligacy.

I charge you to work assiduously and as a team towards achieving the goals of our administration. We must work together to provide good governance for the development of Gombe State and our people,” the Governor stated.

“Our achievements in education, healthcare, infrastructure, and rural development, among many others have attracted domestic and international commendation, turning Gombe into a model worthy of emulation by other States.”

We also implemented public service reforms to enhance efficiency, transparency, and service delivery. As senior public officials, I trust that you will lead by example, fostering a culture of integrity and excellence in all your endeavours,” he said.

He also urged the new appointees to key into the reforms, and embrace the policies to ensure their successful implementation.

The Secretary to the State Government, Ibrahim Abubakar Njodi, explained that the selection of the new appointees was made to support Governor Yahaya in transforming the State to new heights through the execution of meaningful developmental projects.

Those sworn in are Shehu Umar Yerima Abdullahi as Commissioner for Special Duties and Regional Integration. 

Special Advisers are Abubakar Usman Barambu as Adviser on Political Coordination Gombe Central, Shuaibu Iliya Kashere as Adviser on Civic Engagement, Habu Ali Kalshingi as Adviser on Community Relations Gombe Central, Audu Dan Reme as Adviser on Special Duties, Muazu Garba as Adviser on Ecology and Environment, Joseph Bugu Kwallams as Adviser on  Political Coordination Gombe South and Jamilu Ahmed Shabewa as Adviser on Local Government Affairs amongst others.


Lantana Nasir

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